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Wednesday, October 3, 2012



- Jen will not tell Abigail the details of Nicole’s mischief. Abigail wonders why she is so upset about her being gone if she does not want her around. Jen sighs she fears she just helped her get exactly what she wanted …
- Dan agrees to allow Nicole to stay at his place for tonight only. Nicole starts to argue about the danger of EJ … Knock knock! Tis Brady bearing the vitamins. Nicole thanks him for intervening when Jen had another bad day! Brady would like a word with Daniel. Nicole asks where the guest bedroom is, bids the guys goodnight, and is gone. At
least she makes it look that way! Brady wants to talk to Dan about the widow Jennifer. Nicole meanwhile, listens, concealed around the corner.
- Back at the home he used to share with Sami, Rafe helps himself to a beer and looks at Arianna’s framed photograph. He tells her it has happened again. Now EJ is using Gabi to get what he wants, just like what happened to Arianna. He will not let EJ or his brother send his
sister to prison, even if it means ending things with Sami for good …
- Disheveled Chad is sitting glumly in front of EJ’s door when he and Sami return from the coffee house. Chad gasps it is over. Sami unlocks her door, encourages him to enter with them, and discreetly goes in the other room to call her mom about the kids. Chad cries to EJ that he has not only lost Mel, but Gabi will get away with everything too! EJ glances nervously and takes a deep breath.
- Caroline has just heard Bo’s idea. She smiles she trusts him to make
the right decision. She cannot help but admire his sense of adventure. “No guts no glory!” grins Bo.
- At the Kiriakis mansion, Nick updates Gabi on his and Chad’s written, sworn statements. The deed is done. Gabi is appreciative. She recalls how her sister was framed and almost died in prison. She thanks him profusely. Nick nods. “No problem.” She asks why he went through
the trouble. Nick confesses he had a few reasons, one of them being that they are friends. She thinks what he did what above and beyond. He stares deeply unto her eyes and admits how he feels about her is also above and beyond. He gets closer and they share their first tender kiss. Afterwards, he whispers he hopes he was not out of line. Gabi gushes it was not and he is a great kisser. He thanks her. She stammers she will see him at work tomorrow and exits, her cheeks flushed. He watches.
- Rafe opens his door to Will, who admits he has missed this old home! He remembers the good times and brings up Rafe’s recent date with Sami. Rafe sighs a lot has happened. Will wonders if he was wrong to
tell her not to give up on him. Rafe declares being here with Sami were the best days of his life, but things will just not work out. Will asks if he is sure, as they seemed so happy. Rafe takes a swig of his beer. He will only say that it will not work out ...
- EJ frowns and wants to know why exactly Chad is so sure Gabi will
go unpunished. Sami returns and offers him a sandwich. EJ thinks they should go for fresh air. He convinces Sami to stay behind and allow him to take care of it. She smiles to be good to his brother and he gives her a brief kiss on the lips, which she returns. He charmingly promises to call her tomorrow. Then he is gone. Sami slyly considers.
- Brady warns Dan that Jen will not back off and he suspects it is in part due to the fact that she is still in love with him. He is also sure she was
in love with him before Jack came home. Dan insists he is not ready for someone new, nor is she. Brady has some advice. He should be careful with Nicole. She is not a girl who will stand for coming in second! Dan flat out refuses to walk away from Nicole and her baby. Brady wonders what Jen means to him. "She drives me nuts but I love her! I think part of me always will." Nicole keeps listening and blinks back the tears.
- Jen picks up a photo of Jack and laments to Abigail that she wishes she could discuss this situation with him. Abigail thinks it is still okay to care about Daniel. She would not be disloyal. And if Nicole is ruining his life, she wholeheartedly agrees that her mother should stop her in her tracks!
- Brady warns Dan to withdraw from Nicole if he loves Jen. But Dan insists she and the baby need him. Therefore, he is in! Nicole appears hopeful.
- Rafe woefully tells Will it will not work out between him and Sami.
Will understands if that is what he wants. Rafe growls what he wants is for his mom to see EJ for the man he really is cos he has not changed!
- At the park, EJ rages at Chad for making a deal with Nick about not pressing charges against Gabi. He explodes he has nothing to bargain with!  He had instructed him not to do anything! Chad snaps Mel left
him so what difference does any of this make? EJ orders him to go home and keep his mouth shut. He must not say anything about what happened to Gabi. “You understand me? Don’t say anything.” He walks off. Chad walks in the other direction. Sami appears from the shadows behind the gate and stares numbly, reeling from the realization that EJ has evidently not given up his wicked ways ...!

3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before
to read the conclusion of Wednesday, October 3 ...