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Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Episode 12,643

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...

Dan gives Nicole an accusing stare at the apartment and she asks what is the matter. He would like to know the same thing ... Theresa is miffed to meet Brady's perfect English nanny and pouts NO! Brady pulls her aside. She asks him to also interview the applicant they are expecting shortly, to be fair ... Aiden is on his office phone, asking for everything that can be found on Clyde. Rafe is at the open door and greets him after he gets off the phone. Aiden asks him for discretion in case he overheard anything. Rafe casually agrees. In fact, he came by with a copy of the little league starting lineup. Unseen Hopes pauses outside the door and wonders what Aiden was asking Rafe to be discreet about. The dedicated detective soon sweeps in with a smile. She teases Aiden about working late and wants to go dancing. Rafe goes with a grin. Hope sits on the desk and smooches with her star attorney ... Lab head Martin is most positive about Clyde's plan to make another donation to the hospital. Clyde claims he wants him to have a raise but he will be a needin a favor back. That favor involves a secret test he knows he has to do for Dr. Kayla. Martin the good man stands up, snapping they are done. Clyde's bearded thug emerges. Clyde sits his subject back down and leers he knows where and who his wife and baby are and makes him call home now, just to let them know he is gonna be a bit late. Martin gulps and does as told ... Ben stares down Chad and wonders what was so important he turned Zoe down. Chad responds with sarcasm. Ben boasts he will be seeing Abigail soon ... At the square, Eric turns away. Serena tells him he is a hypocrite for not facing her. She alludes to discovering his secret. Eric turns around and peers at her ... Dan is extremely emotional ... Martin is distressed to hear from his wife that a city inspector is presently in their home. He realizes Clyde the criminal has placed one of his thugs there, to keep him in line ... At the Wilson apartment Abigail doubts the veracity of Chad's claim that he loves her. Will emotionally urges her to at least hear him out before she finds out who the father of her baby is, just to know where things stand. Abigail suspects the DiMera has an agenda as all DiMeras do. However, Will eventually wears her down ... Nicole points out she and Dan got past so much. Weepy Dan wonders about that. Was there by chance anything she did not share about the past? ... When Theresa's not-so-nice nanny arrives, Brady agrees to a double-interview on the spot. Emma has all the right answers while Megan moans about the bus. Theresa later brings down Tate and Emma takes the tot in her arms, cooing. Now it is Megan's turn. She holds him for a moment and suddenly changes her mind. Theresa follows her to the front door, where they bicker. The almost nanny blasts her for her low wage offer and her lack of maternal instinct. Theresa turns back and forces a smile for Brady and his nanny. Brady sends the nanny with her infant charge to Henderson, who will show her around the house and also the all-important nursery. The busy billionaire heir is ready to get back to business and airily advises Theresa to keep searching for a place. Theresa's eyes fill with tears ... Hope tries to pry out of Aiden what he was working on. He stammers some case legwork ... Clyde threatens to cause harm to Martin and his family lest he refuse to do his bidding. And he would know if he called the cops. He asks the anxious technician where the potential father's blood type came from. From hospital files. Clyde will be in touch with his orders ... Ben gets a text from Clyde, who wants to talk so he takes off. Chad is still waiting and hoping ...

Back at the square, Serena promises to stay away from Eric forever if he listens to her. She worriedly warns him to stay away from Nicole. Eric believes she knows not Nicole is engaged to Dan and tells her. Serena gets a strange look in her eye and leaves ... Rafe is managing the blue nightclub and telling contact Tim on the phone that there has to be something on Clyde in FBI files or somewhere. He knows the hillbilly from hell is up to something ... Clyde meets with his boy Ben at the park. He pretends to want an update on Aiden. Big Ben has nothing new. Clyde notes he is keeping an eye on that one and casually mentions his new hospital donation. He asks if Ben has ever been a patient or given blood. Negative. Bingo! Clyde now knows the anonymous DNA will be from Chad's hospital file ... Will calls Chad. Abigail has agreed to see him at the apartment. Chad is on his way! ... Nicole gets weepy as well and tells Dan the tale of how she and Eric almost made love. The medicine man wishes she had told him the truth, he would have understood ... Rafe the slick nightclub manager gets a table for new arrivals Aiden and Hope. The pair slow dance in the blue light while Rafe watches. They return to their table. Attorney Aiden must excuse himself to say hello to a client. Rafe approaches Hope. She asks him what Aiden wanted him to be discreet about but Rafe refuses to say. She gets miffed it might be about Clyde. Rafe is distant ... Will wishes Abi luck and leaves. He runs into Chad and reminds him not to hurt the girl, then goes on his way to meet Sonny ... Chad knocks on the door and Abigail slowly opens. He gazes at her and she lets him in ... Hope sulks. Aiden steps back and orders champagne. Rafe excuses himself to fetch a bottle ... Theresa ponders what to do next ... Clyde calls Martin with his order ... Clyde's scheme!

Will is certainly surprised to see Ben at the park. He boasts he is going to call Abigail ... Abigail lets Chad know she only agreed to hear him out as a favor to Will. She suspiciously asks what he wants to say to her. Chad's blue eyes widen with hope as he continues to gaze at the girl he loves ... Nicole asks Dan if he can find it in his heart to forgive her ... Back at their table, Aiden and Hope discuss the Bicentennial. She wishes Tom and Alice could also be there. He wishes he had met them and takes her in his arms for another slow dance. Hope smiles. The camera does a closeup of the blue Bicentennial announcement next to her shiny purse on the nightclub table. Magical music plays ...


Ahead on Days:

Will Abigail believe Chad?
Dan has his answer.
Will helps Derek with Paul.

All the drama in Salem on Wednesday, July 29