Days of Our Lives August 28, 2012
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

posted on August 27  circa 3 pm Toronto time


- Chad asks Mel about the once obsessed Nick. She reluctantly tells the tale of how he was on prescription drugs when he killed her abusive adopted father, and then assumed they would run away together. Chad angrily announces he will not get out of jail! Mel thinks he sounds like a DiMera. She admits she is scared and cannot live with such fear. Chad hugs her and promises the creep will not come near her. He now presses her to show up at the parole hearing and declare she does not want him released. Mel reasons it would cause friction between herself and Maggie. Chad exclaims she must protect herself and if she does not do it, then he will! Mel snaps at him to STOP.
- In the cell, Julie promises Nick that they will get him out but he numbly doubts it. She wonders whether he has heard something. Nick has spoken with Hope. After all that has happened lately, he is pretty sure that Mel will not want him out. The realization led him to contact his lawyer and inform him he has changed his mind. There shall be no parole hearing. Julie argues he is no criminal and does not deserve this! Nick, however, wants to make reparations and claims a few more years will not hurt him. Julie implores quiet Maggie to please talk some sense into him.
- Marlena drops by the apartment. Will opens the door to his smiling grandmother. She wonders whether Gabi shared with Will that she was looking for him. Negative. She asks about the situation with his friend.
He flashes back to seeing Sonny with another guy and stammers it was a waste of time. Sami is not present and he was on his way out. Marlena stops him, “Not so fast. What happened?” Will admits he went to see his friend but it turns out he was wrong. Marlena is baffled. Is he sure about that? Will is convinced his friend does not really care after all.
- Sonny’s friend approaches him at the coffee house and notices his face. Sonny claims he ran into a door. The friend is concerned, takes a close look at his face, and lets him know he is still interested. He invites him to open mike night. Sonny graciously turns him down. His admirer realizes he is waiting for Will but Sonny would rather not discuss.
- EJ rages at the cop guarding him at the station and demands he get him
a phone. Kate enters and he asks what he can do for her, assuming there is no love lost between them. She is curious about Stefano’s present whereabouts, EJ knows not where he is, nor does he care. She points out his children will care, then asks how he looked. Terrible. She is grateful
he saved Stefano’s life. He asks whether she will pay his bail. No, for he used Will and for that she is furious. Why, Will might be facing criminal charges. How would he feel if someone used his kids that way! She now deduces he is still caught in Sami’s web and quips at least Lucas has seen the light. EJ casually wonders what happened. Kate smugly states that Lucas wants nothing more to do with her. It is just as well EJ is still in here, away from that one. Exit Kate. EJ grins and slowly shakes his head.
- At the pub, Nicole’s attempt at a heart-to-heart with the object of her affection takes place. She tells Dan that she wants to be with him and does not feel the least bit used when they are together. She hopefully awaits his reaction. He notes that she is grateful to him, as she was also grateful to Rafe. Nicole realizes he considers her hormonal, but it was different with Rafe. He tries to stop her but she goes on, blurting out
that he makes her feel safe and it is soooo sexy. That is the honest truth. Dan now decides he will be honest with her too. He praises her as a fighter and stammers he is a trained doctor, though patients sometimes wrongly view him as a hero. He is really just a guy trying to get through his life. Nicole understands. She brings up Jen thinking she was in love with him until Jack arrived on the scene. She insists she is not Jennifer
and then slips in that Jack is the love of Jen’s life, from which she will never recover. Nicole claims she is searching for her one great love and sees a soul mate in him. This is the real deal! Dan peers at her. He now reminds her they got together with very little thought. She is sure he likes her. He does indeed, yet she is in a complicated situation. Dan elaborates. If she gets publicly involved with the doctor who revealed the paternity test results, EJ will do the math very fast. She reasons they could keep their relationship a secret. They could go public after the baby is born
and be one big happily family. Dan, however, does not look so happy ...
- T catches up with Gabi at the town square. She is surprised to see him. He drawls they all are, particularly the fairy who was once her boyfriend! Gabi blasts him not to call Will names. She refers to the prejudice against Latinos and warns people should not be unfairly judged by how they are born. T is still bitter and angry that Will did not tell him, so he ended up hanging with a closet queen. Gabi warns if he ever talks to Will like that ... Twisted T  leers he already did, last night. She realizes they had a fight, then flashes back to her tryst with Will just afterwards. "Oh my god!"
she gasps.
- Will flashes back to being with Gabi and informs Marlena he feels bad for someone and does not know how to make her feel better. Marlena wonders what he means. He complains he messed things up even more last night and hastily excuses himself, promising they will continue this discussion later.
- Sonny confronts T at the town square and dares him to take a swing at him, this time face to face. He threatens to call the cops if he ever hurts another gay person. T leers he overheard him saying he had feelings for Will. “You make me want to puke.” Sonny suddenly decks him and T falls down in shock.
- Maggie takes her seat across from Nick and praises him for managing
to get himself back. They exchange I love yous. She cries she also loves Melanie. He and he alone should be the one to decide what is best for
him regarding the parole. Nick explains he does not wish to put her or
Mel through anything else. Julie implores her to tell him not to stay in this place. Maggie cries it is his decision. Ignoring Nick’s protests, worried Julie now tells Maggie that he was attacked by a fellow inmate with a knife just two months ago in this dreadful place in which he does not belong. It could happen again! Nick is displeased she has revealed that detail to the redhead, who now appears to reconsider.
- Mel wants Chad to stop making her feel fragile. Their conversation is
cut short when he gets an unexpected call from the Salem P.D. Tis EJ, who needs him to arrange bail. Chad is perplexed EJ has not been released, for Stefano is alive. EJ concurs but they are holding him on a technicality. He was not able to reach Samantha and needs his help.Chad promises he is on his way!
- Dan mutters to Nicole that he cannot do this. She wants to know why.
It was a disaster when he was sneaking around with Chloe. He advises
her to concentrate on having a healthy baby. Once she is holding her baby, she will realize they only have friendship. She thinks they can be more.  He assures her she does not need a man. She cries he is turning
her down. Chad now texts Dan that he must head out and leave Mel alone. Exasperated Dan takes off to join his daughter, who needs him. Nicole sighs and shuts her eyes.
- Mel is sitting in bed, reading the letter from the parole board again. She appears to be considering her options ...
- Nick assures Maggie there is no need to worry. His attacker is presently in solitary confinement. Besides, he suspects Mel will have absolutely nothing positive to say so he is not going to be released.
- Chad meets EJ at the station, who calmly complains his assets are still frozen. Once unfrozen, they will enable him to  pay him back for his bail. Chad will figure out how to scrape the cash together. EJ is amazed he would do that for him. Chad notes it is what Lexie would want. EJ refers to Stefano as fatha. Chad notices. EJ enlightens him. As it turns out, out they were both hoodwinked. "I am his biological son." Chad is elated to hear he really is his brother.
- John saunters into the coffee shop, where Kate is seated at a table by herself. He lectures her for using his grief stricken-boy to go after Ian. He had assumed she did her dirty work on her own. She must be losing her touch! She claims she is not and intends to get Stefano back, too. John remarks the phoenix is not even speaking to her. She sighs he will change his mind. He simply must!
- T slowly gets up, badly shaken. Sonny declares they are now even but
if anyone wants to know where he got that fat lip, he should tell them a fairy gave it to him! He warns him to watch his step cos he is watching
his every move!
- Will finds Gabi at the pub woefully drinking coffee and takes a seat. He realizes she is not happy to see him. She bitterly wonders if he were her, would he be happy to see him! She learned from T that he insulted him last night and they fought. Why did he not tell her that? Will does not know but she thinks she does ...

Read Part 2 of You Can't Fight Fate ...!
3 Weeks Ahead
to read all the happenings in Salem on Tuesday, August 28
Part 2