Days of Our Lives August 27, 2012
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Monday, August 27, 2012

posted on August 24  circa 3 pm Toronto time


- Replay of Sami picking up Rafe’s keys, then coming face to face with him. He is glad she found his keys but she insists she was not stealing them. She fumbles and drops the keys as they look at each other. They both reach for them and their hands touch. He thanks her for the keys
and asks about her wrist, then apologizes. Sami quietly wonder whether he is truly sorry. He quietly starts to explain he is... RAFE shouts a voice. Nicole arrives and gives Rafe a hug after smugly telling her unborn baby that daddy is here! Sami jealously watches. Nicole quips she thought
she was on the lam with EJ. Miffed Sami updates her on the latest about Stefano. Nicole sarcastically notes she and EJ must be getting along better than when she shot him and taunts her about their fling. Rafe intervenes. Sami sighs if she were not pregnant right now...  Rafe calmly suggests
the two women grow up! The insults continue to fly.  Rafe exclaims to
cut it out and warns them to keep their distance. Nicole agrees, then asks to speak with him privately about their baby. Rafe thanks Sami for the keys. Sami bitterly thanks him for dismissing her, sarcastically adds she will tell EJ she said hello, and departs. Nicole smiles. Rafe sighs. He sits beside her and solemnly states she is calling attention by acting so worried about EJ. In addition, he suggests she is being rather bitchy to him with such scenes. Nicole is sorry. However, she is not sorry Rafe is free of
that Sami. He is better off with Carrie! He reminds her that one is long gone. Nicole appreciates what he is doing for her baby. Daniel has also agreed to keep the secret. She regrets she was bitchy and admits she
cannot behave as would a serene pregnant lady. She now informs him
she came close to losing the baby while he was gone. Rafe becomes concerned. She shares a vow she made. She intends to be honest from now on! Rafe chuckles. She insists she wants to be honest about her feelings. He teases how is she feeling? Rather hungry and so they walk
off together to get something to eat. Meanwhile, Sami's blue polka dot scarf has been left behind.
- Dan drops by Chad’s place to discuss the situation with Mel. Chad has
a bad feeling that his sweet Mel, who has been through so much lately, could snap. He is not sure how to help her at this time. Papa Dan advises him to play it by ear. Chad admits he usually knows what Mel is thinking. Dan realizes he no longer does. Chad laments she had a nightmare about someone called Nick, but then refused to tell him about it in the morning!
- Replay of Mel finding out from Julie at the hospital that Nick is up for parole, having been in jail for just three years. She is horrified. Julie explains she was sent a letter by the parole board. Mel snaps she was not receiving mail while held hostage in the tunnels of Salem. She realizes
she wants her help. Julie just does not want her to ruin Nick’s chances and promises he will not bother her again. Mel quips not if he remains in jail! Julie suggests the girl is overreacting. Along comes hurricane Maggie, who thinks she has her nerve! Maggie apologizes to her granddaughter
for not being able to tell her first. Mel notes the timing is very bad and
gets back to work. Julie sighs she assumed she already knew. Maggie chides her for making things worse! Maxine and Mel observe the heated exchange and Maxine’s money is on the redhead! Meanwhile Julie argues to Maggie that Nick is better and deserves to have a life. Maggie exclaims she loves him and she loves Mel too, who happens to be fragile. Julie thinks it would not be fair for Nick to pay for what another guy did to Mel. Mel watches, marveling her grandma is defending her. Julie repeats to Maggie that it would not be fair for Nick to suffer due to what another man did. The redhead exclaims Nick can surely wait. She will not allow anyone to pressure her granddaughter! She warns Julie to back off for
this is all up to Mel. Mel and Mel alone will be the one to decide what she will do ...
- Hope visits prisoner Nick in jail. "Hey Nikki!" she smiles. He solemnly sits opposite her and asks her to thank Ciara for the drawing. He has
them all in a scrapbook. Hope praises him for being clean and sober for three years. Downtrodden Nick notes he is in jail and seems depressed. Hope is positive about his parole hearing but he has his doubts. The truth is, he believes he deserves to be locked up for what he did to Mel and the fact that he killed a man. He will never take another pill. He now talks atonement. In prison he does nothing wrong and nothing right. It serves
no purpose. He wants to make his life have meaning and help others. Therefore, he secretly does long to be paroled. More than anything. Hope suddenly gets intense and announces she has bad news about Mel. Nick appears worried. Hope updates him on what happened. He feels terrible. Hope reminds him his family has forgiven him. He points out Melanie
was his victim and she will be testifying at the parole hearing.Hope admits she cannot imagine how she will react. Nick recalls she defended him at his trial and it was tough for her. She does not deserve to endure such a scenario again. Hope wonders if this will be a positive thing, for Mel will see he has changed. He points out they are asking a lot of her. He has thought much about what Mel said at his trial and wonders if she would repeat it at his hearing. But he would never dare to ask her to do anything on his behalf.
- Sami fusses over Ally at the coffee house. The girl wants to finish her picture with a friend and so Sami takes her to another table, where her friend and mother sit. Lucas will be picking her up ... Lucas enters and Sami approaches, gingerly explaining that she would like to speak to him. Lucas scowls at her that he has a newsflash. "I don't wanna talk to you!" She understands if he feels hostile and insists she did not intend to lead him on. He bitterly states she only cared for a few days and played him like a jackass. She claims she did want them to ... He retorts did she want him to fall for her again as an ego boost?! She reminds him that she is the mother of two of his children. Lucas is bitter she ran away with EJ. She insists EJ is innocent. Lucas drawls her actions showed him only too loud and clear that she had moved on. She is done with him and therefore he
is done with her too!
- Maggie is sorry that Mel had to hear about Nick that way. Mel is fine and explains Julie assumed she already knew and was just trying to help Nick. She calls the redhead grandma and notes that she loves Nick too. Maggie admits she does indeed. She announces she will drive Mel home. They exchange I love yous and embrace. Mel’s eyes are filled with pain.
- At the pub, Nicole and Rafe chow down. She starts to babble about her feelings for the nice man she has strong feelings for. Rafe casually advises her to proceed with caution, for she might just be feeling gratitude. She insists it is so much more. Rafe is not sure he feels the same way. Nicole blinks. She then starts to laugh that he believed she was referring to him. Rafe laughs along with her. She admits she did have a crush on him once upon a time, but then he used the attraction to extort information from her. He does not deny it and then asks who this mystery guy is. Enter Dan. Nicole blushes.
- Maggie is sitting with Mel on the bed, consoling her. She offers to stay with her. Chad watches the two and would like to know what happened. Maggie explains it was a mistake ... Mel interrupts she got a headache at work, thanks Maggie for the ride, assures her she will be fine, and shows her to the door. Maggie realizes that she does not wish to tell Chad and discreetly departs. Mel shuts the door and makes light of her grandmother overreacting. Chad senses she needs a hug. They embrace. Mel clings to him like a frightened child.
- Nick flashes back to pretty Mel earnestly telling him he was a good person who deserved a second chance and hugging him in tears. Back to reality. The prisoner must now return to his cell.
- Hope shows up at Chad and Mel’s door bearing the letter. Mel knows exactly what it is. Chad is curious. Mel sighs that he is going to find out sooner or later and lets him take a look. Hope assures her she can make
a statement at the hearing or she does not have to do anything if that is what she wants. Mel wonders if that is what they want. Hope insists this
is her decision and she is truly sorry about the bad timing. Mel quietly cries and turns back to face Chad, who has read the parole board letter. He suddenly realizes why she came home, why Maggie was concerned, and appears hurt she did not confide in him. He emotionally declares he wants to help but she is shutting him out. Mel cries about Julie having approached her about Nick. She claims she does not think about him anymore and does not wish to start ...
- Sami implores Lucas to keep up appearances for their kids’ sake and lower his voice but he feels they should learn about cause and effect. Mommy ran off with dirt bag EJ after she played him and he ditched his fiancée. He raises his voice that perhaps they should see how upset he is! Sami stares with dread. Lucas rages if their kids were enlightened about her, maybe they would not keep making the same mistakes like he does again and again. He accuses her of using him and then spitting him out when she is done with him so he is done with her ...!

Read Part 2 of  Love Hurts ...!
3 Weeks Ahead
to read all the happenings in Salem on Monday, August 27
Part 2