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Friday, September 16, 2011
up by 5:38 pm et September 15




- Kate and EJ elegantly enter Chez Rouge as he tells her he knows
nothing about the party. Kate points out Bo and Hope have not had a party in ages. So much secrecy! Secret venue, secret guest list! EJ reminds her they are there to have a chat about Countess Wilhelmina.
So he says! They are shown to their table, where Stefano awaits. He
hugs his surprised wife and she is elated to see him. EJ was in on the surprise and gives them their space. They missed each other and kiss. Stefano drawls she looks beautiful. EJ is at a table grinning and laughs
she was bending his ear about some party. Kate decides they need champagne. Stefano orders a bottle of bubbly. The three DiMeras gather round their table. Fatha's trip was a big success. Stefano cryptically wonders how things were progressing in Salem. EJ replies everything is falling into place. Kate wants them to stop speaking in code. The phoenix claps his hands and takes his lady for a dance. EJ checks the champagne and places a call. When Kate and Stefano return, the phoenix refers to
his son needing a partner. EJ realizes Kate has been talking to him and repeats he needs someone he can trust. As they dine, EJ argues that
these things cannot be forced. Stefano thinks he at least deserves some fun.
- Nicholas visits Carly in rehab and asks if she is nervous about today's special session with the doctor. She fears she cannot do it now. All this therapy is just wearing her out!
- Dan and Jen are at the rehab center, waiting for the doctor to start their session with Carly. They are anxious. Lexie calls Dan with an update. There has been no change in Chloe's status. He is adamant she has to wake up soon! Dr. Norman eventually arrives and complains Carly is nowhere to be found. Jen wonders if Dr. Norman knows about them.
She does and now suspects it might be too soon for this session. Carly shows up with Nicholas and announces it is not too soon. She is ready to set the record straight! They all sit down and Carly dramatically declares she owes them so much. First and foremost an apology. Dan points out she broke the trust of the hospital, and more importantly the patients.
He hopes that she will not forget that and will never tempt fate like that again. Carly cries she will not. She goes on to apologize for keeping his daughter from him. Dan assures her they worked all that out. Carly now apologizes to Jen, who helped her so much. She admits the fact that she was seeing Daniel was part of what took her to the edge. Jen whispers it
is okay. Carly snaps it is not, for she still cannot handle it ...
- Nicole joins Brady in Chloe's room. He wonders how long she has
been there. She apologizes for giving him a hard time about staying there. She was just worried about him. She feels sick about what happened to Chloe and is sorry if she sounded jealous. Brady assures her it is alright. Nicole laments it feels like Chloe is not even there. He explains some of the doctors think she can hear him. He hopes so. However, the longer
she is in this state, the worse the prognosis gets. She does not seem to be responding anymore. Nicole suggests they call Phillip. After all, Parker is the one thing that could work and Phillip controls her access to him. Perhaps hearing his voice would help. Brady is not sure Phil would allow it, plus the child could be traumatized. Nicole insists she will hear her
son's voice even if she is unconscious. Brady agrees and decides to later call Justin, to arrange something with Phil. Even having Parker's voice
on tape would be good. Nicole adds then maybe he would not have to stay there all the time. She thinks they should go out to eat something. Brady replies perhaps for a little bit. She claims she knows just the place.
- At the station, Rafe searches for Quinn's name on the database. Bo and Hope eagerly await They soon discover he is Vivian's son from Australia and has a history as a pimp. Time for a warrant! Rafe calls him a sick s.o.b. Hope soon has more news. Turns out Taylor and Quinn were both arrested in Europe once upon  a time, at the same demonstration. They are dismayed she slipped through the cracks at the department, on account of the arrest being in Europe. The warrant is ready so the gang depart.
- Meanwhile, Quinn enters his room. Gus is hiding in the closet, where
he has left the nightstick. He takes it and raises it, until Quinn steps away to talk on his phone. Gus puts the nightstick back and slips into the hall. He now listens to his police radio as he hears Rafe's voice advising all units that they have a lead on the attacker!
- There is a knock at Quinn's door. Tis Gus, who claims Vivian has something to discuss with him and asked him to meet her here. He sits
on the bed and hopes he does not mind if he waits. Quinn is ready to go out but Gus advises him to wait and see what is up. He sits on the sofa and Quinn notices he is nervous. How long has he worked for his mum? For  a very long time and he knows her better than almost anyone. Quinn finds that unsettling. Gus flashes back to attacking Chloe. Quinn asks if
he is alright. He quips he is fine. Quinn decides to call Viv and find out what is going on.
- Back at Chez Rouge, EJ informs papa Stefano he has no time for fun
in his life. When Nicole enters with Brady, he cannot take his eyes off
her ...

Read Part 2 - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
Part 2