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Episode 13,465
1330 words

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Now without further ado ...


At the square Brady hands Eric something he bought for Holly. Eric wants nothing from him and acts like he is to blame for Nicole not surviving. Brady is left standing alone ... Rex shows up and begs Sarah to take him back on bended knee .. Paul has Will’s journal in his sights and wonders whether Will has been pretending he wants to be with him ... Outside the pub Gabi dumps her Gabby wig in the trash ... At the cabin Abigail holds her baby an in her arms and promises to keep her safe ... Stefan takes the call from Chad and gets mad. Chad solemnly states she had a girl. Stefan rages on and Chad warns he could keep him from his daughter if he refuses to make a deal ... Hope tries to reassure Jen, who fears he worst ... Abigail believes Chad will get her and baby to hospital. If only she knew what he was really up to ... Chad and Stefan have made the deal. Stefan felt he had no choice. He warns Chad if his daughter is not safe when he gets her he will kill him ... Paul has a visitor. Tis brother Brady bearing good wishes. He praises the new place and hands him a housewarming present. He admits Maggie chose it. Paul smiles. Brady innocently asks after Will ... Will wonders what Gabi was doing at the trash. She stammers she was getting rid of some old kid snacks and asks about Paul. He smiles things are good. She admits she assumed he would reconcile with Sonny. Will sighs he did too ... Sarah is done believing Rex and calls him names. Eric appears and reminds them Holly is sleeping upstairs soooo ...

Paul pleasantly states Will is picking up supper. He asks how Brady is and is sorry about Nicole. Brady laments brother Eric blames him for her demise but Paul heard how Brady saved his brother. Brady would rather discuss Paul, who feels better by the day. The recovery is slow and successful. Brady brings up Will’s support. Paul shares his doubts cos he senses Will still loves Sonny. Brady soap stares ... Gabi has heard from Will that he is sacrificing his happiness with Sonny to do right by Paul. But he loves and misses Sonny. Gabi is sympathetic. Will points out Paul did a lot for him and wants no pity. Gabi wishes she were as noble as Will, who wonders ... Chad comes back in the cabin. Abigail assumes help is coming but it is not what she is expecting ... Jen complains to Hope that Chad is not calling her. Abigail needs help before the baby comes! Hope promises her it will be alright and asks if she spoke to Eric. Jen notes there is no need for she lost him ... Sarah talks tough with Rex and kicks him out of Maggie’s home. Eric sides with her. Rex suggests he leave them alone but Eric orders him to go. They stare each other down as the situation comes to a standstill. Eric believes both parties need to calm down. Sarah says to go. Rex agrees but he refuses to give up. Stressed Sarah thanks Eric, who apologizes for the drama since he really came to see Holly. He assures Sarah she is fast asleep and probes her problems with Rex ...

Brady listens as Paul reveals his doubts. He senses Will’s mind is on someone else at times, meaning Sonny. He admits he almost opened his journal. Brady believes he has the right to know Will’s true feelings. He tells him he is not imagining things. He will not play God in his life! Paul asks what he means. He means he overheard Will professing his love for Sonny over the phone after Paul was released ... Gabi admits to Will how angry she wakes up at Abigail every day. Will thinks that makes her human and is sorry for her suffering. Gabi thinks he is one of the good guys but Will remembers his past and feels doing right by Paul is atoning. It is not too late for Gabi to atone for her sins ... Abigail has named her baby Charlotte after the romantic author Charlotte Bronte. Chad swears all he does for her is out of love. A piano tinkles. She gushes she is going to the hospital together with Charlotte and then home. There is a knock at the door and Chad goes strangely silent ...

Paul is shocked. Brady continues. Will admitted to him he was about to reconcile with Sonny so Brady warned him it would be a setback for Paul. He suspects Will does care. Paul gets upset. Brady is so sorry. Paul sadly states Will loves Sonny and not him ... Sarah shares her feelings of betrayal with Eric. He has been there with Nicole and tells Sarah she will survive. She wonders how it is possible to trust a person who has betrayed you ... Meantime Hope offers to talk To Eric. Jen only has Abigail on her mind. Hope gets a call with an update that Abigail is alright ... Abigail is strapped to a gurney and glad the paramedics checked the baby. Enter Stefan. Chad admits he summoned him. Abigail struggles and demands an answer. Chad accepts the papers he made Stefan bring and babbles he wants to do what is best for her. Abigail covers her face in horror ...

Sarah is sorry for Eric’s loss. He is being strong for Holly, who cries. Sarah insists on helping him and they go to the baby together. She loves her little niece and will be there for her as well as him ... Brady reasons he overheard Will speaking to Sonny weeks ago. Things have changed since then. He tells Paul to talk to Will cos he knows he cares. Paul asks to be alone. Brady grudgingly goes and hopes he has done the right thing. He is sorry. Paul gets it. Brady walks out and Paul slams the door ... Will must return to Paul with the food he picked up. Gabi says give him her best. He says to tell Ari he loves her and adds he also loves her mom. Gabi hugs him and adds she loves him too. Will walks away. Guilt ridden Gabi gets the wig back, considers confessing and makes for the station ... Chad gets the baby to hand her to Stefan, who tells protesting Abigail he is sorry. Abigail insists she is not insane and asks whyyyy. Chad argues it is the only way. She struggles and screams for her baby as she is wheeled away ... Back at the square Rex runs into Brady and is sorry about Nicole. Brady is as well since he lost Eric and Eve too. Rex can relate ... Sarah and Eric discuss how Eric will tell Holly about her mom. Eric will discuss with Marlena and come up with ways to make the child feel safe and loved. Sarah is impressed. He thanks her for the help and asks if she needs anything else. She would rather not be in the house when Rex returns for his stuff and asks him to take her out someplace ... Paul puts down Will’s journal. Ominous music plays. Will comes back with their first supper that is now going to be their last. Paul announces he is leaving ... Gabi arrives at the station only to hear from Hope that Abigail’s baby was born. Chad helped deliver her. But then Stefan had Abigail committed to Bayview. Gabi soap stares ... Drugged Abigail begs for her baby. Jen rushes to her daughter’s bedside and assures her it will be alright ... Stefan suggests Chad did the right thing when Chad admits he feared for the safety of the children and had no choice with Abigail. Stefan loves hearing the newborn's name is Charlotte and takes her. He then casts Chad a dark stare ...


The Salem Story on Wednesday, November 14, 2018