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Length: 1,240 descriptive words

Friday, March 11, 2016
Episode 12,801

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...

DiMera mansion prepares for the wedding of the season. Abigail smiles the place is picture perfect. Chad calls her perfect and they kiss in bliss. The groom steps away for a word with the busy butler. Julie, Adrienne, and Jen flounce in. Julie brings up Ben and Abigail insists the escaped lunatic would not dare venture to DiMera mansion. They she heads to the nursery to check on the baby. She admires Thomas and suddenly remembers when Ben left her and Chad in the burning bed, cooing to Tommy to tell his mama bye bye. She gasps and Chad comes in, consoling her with an embrace. Abigail is doing her best to ignore the stress of the situation. She wonders where oh where their best man and maid of honor might be. Chad will look into it after he steals another sweet kiss ... At the warehouse by the airport, John and Eduardo hold up their now empty cups. John demands the voice release Marlena and Arianna. The door opens again and Marlena and Arianna appear ... Gabi is at the station crying her heart out for her little girl, clutching her tiny toy ... John calls out to doc and asks if she is alright. She assures him they are both fine. John and Ed take a step forward, only to be stopped by warning shots ... Ciara is walking to the wedding with suited Theo, though she has decided not to attend, given her recent drama. She almost regrets she got no payback for what Chase did and feels increasingly frustrated. Meanwhile Hope is meeting with D.A. Justin in his office. He bears bad news he does not seem to like at all either. Chase had no lawyer present when he confessed to Hope, the victim's mother. The only way to make it stick is if he repeats the same confession in court tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be his word against Ciara's word. Ciara will end up being the one on trial. Such is the system. Hope sighs her daughter has already suffered too much. She sets up a meeting alone with Chase. He looks at her with his hollow eyes. What does she want? She tells him she wants to make sure he will not recant his confession when he appears before the court tomorrow. He woefully states he will not. He will take his prison sentence and suggests it might make up for some of what his father did as well. Hope admits Aiden hurt them but states she and Ciara are strong. They shall overcome ... Gabi calls to speak with mama but she is not there. She left for Salem 2 weeks ago ... Back at DiMera mansion, Jen winces when she bends over for a fallen flower. She is helping colorful Julie and Adrienne flower arrange for the wedding ... John and Ed are not free to leave. He urges Marlena to go and she reluctantly does, clutching Arianna ... It is time for Abigail to get her something old something new something borrowed something blue. Something old is a love poem penned by Tom Horton and read at Doug and Julie's legendary wedding. Something new is a good luck charm for Abigail to wear in her shoe. Something borrowed is a baby picture of Chad. Jen now asks to be alone with her daughter and presents her with something blue - violets from an old bouquet when she was a child. Tis an emotional time as Jen tells her daughter she just knows all her dreams will come true ...

Chad finds Gabi at the station. She cries she is sorry, updates him on Arianna and Marlena's abduction, and swears him to secrecy for the time being. She insists the wedding go on. She will text him when she has news ... At the warehouse John and Ed are ordered to go with two men. Just as they appear to be doomed, backup boldly bursts in. Tis JJ, Lani, led by Rafe. A gunfight with the bad guys takes place. John and Ed take cover behind crates and get their own guns ready for action. Bang bang bang! John pops a gunman from above. The Salem P.D. is suddenly as slick as Mod Squad. But Ed can see from his vantage point that Rafe is about to be cornered. He leaps in front and takes a bullet for his son. He takes it to his torso and blood gushes out. John shouts NOOOOO and more gunmen are neutralized. Rafe rushes to his father's side, ordering the others to hold their fire. Ed feels drugged and apologizes for failing to get Arianna. Rafe assures him the hostages are fine and getting checked out at the hospital. He calls for an ambulance. Meanwhile John has gone missing ... Chad catches up with Theo at the square. He explains he wanted him to be his best man but did not wish to pressure him, which is why he asked Rafe. However, Rafe is not available and he would appreciate him taking his place. Theo smiles he would need Ciara there for support. She gasps she has not gotten dressed for the occasion. Chad thinks she is dressed find and it is for a good cause ... Slick Doug and Lucas have arrived at the mansion. Doug wonders where the cute bride is. Jen turns around and pops more pills. Eric enters and gives her an accusing stare ... Rafe calls Gabi with the good news that Ari is alright and at the hospital. She is on her way ... Chad steals a moment with his bride before the wedding. She gasps it is not good luck for him to see her in her dress. He gushes life is what they make it and presents her with a special gift - Thomas' birth certificate with his name as the father, Tom's last name as Devereaux instead of DiMera. Abigail is over the moon. They kiss and exchange I love yous ... Ciara and Theo are sitting together at the mansion. He suggests she celebrate her 18th birthday soon. She starts to stand and he grabs her as she seems to stumble. She screams not to touch her, flashing back to Chase, and takes off. Theo follows the upset girl outside. He apologizes and assures her with time she will heal. Now feeling better, she returns with her best man and decides she will do that big birthday party after all ... John gasps and opens his eyes. He is bound to a pillar in a strange large room ... The latest DiMera wedding finally gets underway. Dapper Doug walks Abigail down the aisle. She stands by her adoring Chad and smiles, now suddenly caught off guard by a figure at the window. Tis BIG BEN staring at her with rage. The bride lets out a blood curdling scream ... Grateful Gabi gets Arianna from Marlena at the hospital. They are both in good shape in spite of the ordeal. She is ready to go but a solemn police offer stops her and states they must stay here. Marlena blinks and worriedly wonders where John is ... Prisoner John shouts is anybody home? A frail grizzled man slowly steps toward him with his cane. John wants to know who the hell he is. The old wise one is known by two names. The first name is his Korean alias, the second is the name John knows to be the name of his father. John thinks he heard him wrong for his dad is dead. His father gets closer and urges him to look at his eyes, for they are HIS eyes. John stares up at him in stunned silence ...



All the drama in Salem on Friday, March 11