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Monday, December 25, 2017
Episode 13,239
1340 words

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...


Eric admires Jen's tree but she harbors a bad feeling about JJ. Eric tries to make her feel better ... Woman in red Gabi is dressed. JJ starts to stir in his chair. She spies his gun and says Merry Christmas, sternly reminding him he is supposed to get help today ... Lani wakes up in bed with Eli and asks him what happened. He grins Merry Christmas and she gets upset about what they did. He reminds her JJ and Gabi cheated ... Abe sits and stares at Theo in his hospital bed. Val walks in and wishes him Merry Christmas, sorry she was in surgery all night. He notes he has been soul searching about something Jen said. He was once in a similar situation and felt the same way JJ must feel now. Jen asked him to forgive JJ. It weighs heavy on his mind ... Lani thinks Eli was after a revenge fling. He notes they did not plan to lose control after their drinks together. He is sorry. So is she and now she gets ready to head to the hospital ... Gabi wants JJ to make the call for help. He hesitates. She refuses to go without him doing it as he was in dire straits last night. JJ now calls mama Jen. She gushes Merry Christmas as Eric munches on a donut. JJ will come by soon with gifts and also wants to talk counseling with Eric. Jen is elated. They exchange I love yous. After the call, Gabi tells JJ she is on his side and urges him to fight. He agrees. She has to pick up Ari and wants him to stay on track. She is taking the gun to Rafe. Now she heads to family for Christmas and hopes he will be with his ... At the square Kayla and Steve end a call with Joey. It is not easy being without the kids at Christmas. Here comes Tripp with a grin. Steve gives him a hug and wishes him a Merry Christmas ... At the pub Roman keeps Ciara company, surprised she is not spending the day helping at St Luke's with Hope and Rafe. She would rather see Theo. Here comes catty Claire ...

The girls start to scream at one another so Roman stops them. Tis not the season for such behavior ... Tripp is looking forward to Steve and Kayla's very Brady Christmas. Steve steps away to the bakery first. Tripp thanks Kayla for the second chance and she smiles a beautiful smile ... Eli is dressed when Gabi comes to his room and hugs him Merry Christmas. He accuses her of sleeping with JJ ... As the Christmas jazz plays in the background, Eric sips his coffee and converses with Jen. Val now calls her. Abe wants her to know ... JJ opens his door to Abe, who gives him a soap stare. JJ was not expecting him ... Jen updates Eric on Abe going to talk to JJ. She is worried what might happen and prays for the best. Eric tenderly tells her she made it happen but she credits him. He calls them a great team and she embraces him. Then their eyes meet and he nods with a slight smile and a twinkle in his eye ... Gabi denies the charge. Eli lets her know what Lani saw. Gabi admits they were together all night though nothing happened. JJ needed a friend. He would have killed himself! Eli was not expecting this ... JJ invites Abe in. Abe admits Jen got to him. He tells JJ about being forgiven years ago when he had horrible guilt. He knows JJ reacted in the moment trying to do his job. He knows the good man he really is and explains he is ending the punishment. He officially forgives him. JJ trembles ...

Meanwhile back at Horton house Eric waits for Jen to open her gift from him. Tis a handmade friendship bracelet and he has one to match. Jenny gushes and blushes as he puts it on her wrist, praising her for bringing him back from his despair. Jen must now head to the hospital to read the Christmas story. He helps her with her coat and she thanks him. He kisses her on the check and heads somewhere he has to go ... Roman questions what Theo would think about the bickering girls. Ciara and Claire agree on a peace plan and he makes them hug. Tripp arrives with Steve and Kayla, musing it is a Christmas miracle. Roman gets a call from California Caroline ... Eli closes the door. He had no idea JJ wanted to die. Gabi did not want to leave him alone else his blood would have been on her hands. Eli now hears JJ agreed to get help today. Eli feels like a fool. He is at a loss. She leaves him with the gun to give to Rafe. Eli is sorry for being hard on Gabi. And then some ... Lani arrives at the hospital. Val informs her that Abe went to JJ. This could be the forgiveness they were hoping for. Lani does not look as thrilled as Val would have expected ... JJ breaks down about what happened to Theo and how awful he feels. Abe notes it was not his fault and is done blaming him ...

Gabi gets Eli thought she cheated with JJ and assumes he had a lonely lousy night. Eli gets tight lipped. Gabi goes to take Ari ice skating. Eli asks to join them. She says sure and will see him. He mutters Merry Christmas ... Eric arrives at the pub and tells Roman he has good news about JJ. Now he wants to share with grandma ... Abe assures JJ he will not come between him and Lani. JJ is grateful. Abe is returning to the hospital to see Theo and JJ agrees to come as he would love to see Theo ... Val asks Lani how it went when she found JJ. Lani laments something upset her and she did something she now regrets. Before she can continue Eli appears and whisks her into another room. He now drops a bombshell that he jumped to the wrong conclusion cos nothing happened between JJ and Gabi last night! She was just consoling him as a friend as he was gonna kill himself. Lani cries for not being there for him. Eli lowers his voice and advises her to keep what happened last night a secret. No one can ever know ...

Ciara and Claire come to the hospital to see Theo. Val lets them both in but no bickering! Lani emerges. Here comes Abe with JJ. He informs Val and Lani that he has forgiven JJ. Lani gives him a big hug. Abe would now like JJ to see Theo. Val agrees and they all go in together. At that moment Steve, Kayla, Jen, Tripp and Roman arrive at the hospital. Jen needs to read the Christmas story and awaits Santa ... Jen soon reads the children the Christmas story. Santa Eric arrives and Jen smiles. Then she starts to tell the story ... At the square Eli has a giant pink bear, which was happy Ari's Christmas wish. Gabi wants them to enjoy today together. Eli agrees and hugs her ... Lani, Abe and Val join Ciara and Claire at Theo's bedside. Abe invites JJ in and places an arm around him. JJ weeps. So does Abe. JJ hugs him ... Jen wishes good will to all men. Steve takes out his harmonica and starts the group in Silent Night. Then he kisses his sweetness. The singing is heard in Theo's room. Abe holds hands with Lani and JJ and tells Theo they are all here, surrounding him with love. He begs him to wake up but if he cannot they will keep on loving him. He now takes his hand and Theo starts to stir. Tis a veritable Christmas miracle when he opens his eyes for Theo is now awake!


All the drama in Salem on Monday, December 25