Days of Our Lives April 23, 2014
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If not Kate, then who?!

Wednesday April 23, 2014
Episode 12,323

- Kate meets with Sami in the office of Lucas, who is out interviewing
for a new graphic designer. Sami is wearing an animal print dress to
match her wild personality. She wonders what is on Kate's desk, since they are apparently avoiding her office. Kate purrs if she saw, she would not be able to sleep at night! Sami assumes she is busy playing corporate espionage while Gabi and Nick could send them to prison. Kate questions Sami's worry. What did she go and do now? Sami has soon told her the story of Nick manipulating Gabi. Kate does not get it as their fate is also Gabi's fate. Sami notes Nick only accused them of attempted murder and not Gabi. Kate vows to bring her down anyway. Sami suggests the crazed genius might have come up with a way to send only them to the slammer, not the gullible girl of his demented dreams.
- At the mansion, EJ is speaking to fatha on the phone about the bloody picture and advises him to stay in Chicago for now. If he showed up, Samantha would sense a problem. Gabi arrives, having been summoned.
- JJ is fixing an outdoor light at the town square. Paige reaches up and gives him her hand. They blush and smile with stars in their eyes.
- Nicole is sitting in the park, recalling Liam's ex wife, who was spooked. She wonders what the loon did. Might he have drugged her too? Nicole reminds herself to focus on the future cos no there is no telling what he
is up to now! She calls and starts to leave another message for his ex, saying it concerns LIAM. Eric appears and she has cause to pause.
- Liam is listening to the Jen-finds-Dan's-drugs show from his room.
Jen the star sits on the sofa with a sigh, unaware of the hidden little
microphone nearby ....
- Dan is at the hospital post-hearing looking forward to seeing Jen. Abigail explains she is not in her office. Dan frowns.
- Jen puts the pills in her bag and stares at her incoming call from Daniel. She gasps and ignores it.
- EJ sits and informs Gabi that the whole campaign will revolve around her. She wants him to help her with these contracts, lawyer that he is. EJ suggests Nicholas would not approve. Gabi disagrees. EJ now shares that Nick is against some of them and could turn on a dime. Many depend on his cooperation. Gabi points out EJ would not be affected by anything as he was not at the river that fateful night. He points out he was dispatched to Smith Island to speak with Abigail after the fact and therefore he is involved in the coverup. And Nick could pressure Abigail. Gabi does not think anyone knows EJ was at Smith Island with Abigail. EJ solemnly states sometimes people follow DiMeras. She calls him paranoid. He pretends he was joking and gets Gabi to assure him she told no one he was going to meet Abigail that day. Only Sonny and he is on their side. Gabi suddenly remembers she did tell Kate too! EJ stares. This is not good.
- Abigail is pleased to discover that Daniel could be reinstated even for surgery in one month if all goes well. She asks him to let her mom know she will leave the key to Horton cabin in her office. Dan now turns and shakes Brady's hand, calling him the man of the hour. Brady grins.
- At Dan's place, Jen calls the pharmacy regarding the prescription for painkillers in her name. Liam the loon enjoys the show as Jen gets confirmation there is such a prescription in her name! And there have been refills. Jen gets off the phone and gasps oh my God!
- Kate wants to know what Sami did. She may have called Gabi an unfit mother. Kate scoffs. Sami sips her water and suggests Kate would have been cross too. Kate exclaims she would not have shot off her mouth! Sami now wants to strategize and coordinate their story about that night. They go over what happened, culminating with dragging Nick's body to the river, which they were doing for Gabi. Sami notes then Percy came along. Kate glumly explains Gabi did not touch Nick. Sami states she did touch the backpack. Kate fears she will say she was coerced. They are royally screwed by the genius, it seems and he has them exactly where he wants them. Sami sighs.
- JJ is screwing in a light bulb at the square, remembering his kiss with Paige, He climbs down and boasts the square is going green.She whispers great. He invites her to a movie once he is done. She says sure and will help him finish too. Abigail suddenly calls and summons JJ home. It sounds urgent. JJ promises to text the girl and come running back when
he can. Once he leaves, she spies Mary Beth and advises her to keep moving. Mary Beth tries to make amends for deleting the text. Paige suddenly gets a text that makes her jump for joy ....
- Nicole says hi, kisses Eric, and pretends she is simply getting some air. He was with Theresa, who did not take the chance to confess. However, the girl is acting very strangely, as if trying to convince herself of her innocence ...
- JJ gets home and teases his sister about her disheveled appearance. She complains the recycling system did not work and she was trying to take her bike down. He had assumed this was about Daniel. She explains she texted him and the doc could be back in surgery in a month. She notes
her brother's goofy grin and teases him about pretty Paige.
- EJ numbly repeats Kate knew he had gone to Smith Island? Gabi insists she is on their side, thanks him for the contracts, and rushes out after getting a call. Once alone, EJ anxiously takes another long look at the photograph of him with Abigail and frowns. This could bear the lmark of Kate ...
- Kate complains to Sami that if Nick had stayed dead, it would have
been so much easier. Sami stands up to go and see Gabi. She reminds Kate that she was unkind to her as a young mother too and goes on her way. Kate mutters about doing things her own way.
- Nicole does believe Theresa is innocent. Eric wants to know how she can be so sure, then they both get a text about Daniel's hearing. Eric proceeds to probe her about the call she was on when he arrived. She is working a story. Eric gives her a suspicious look and wonders whether it concerns Daniel.
- Liam wishes he had a camera in there so he could see as well as hear
the show! Dan gets home and perceives Jen's flustered face. He asks
what is the matter. Liam is at the edge of his seat in anticipation. Brady comes in after Dan and they explain they are strategizing. Brady is here
to help him find out who drugged him. Dan is curious where Jen was
after the hearing. He thought she was concerned. She was and still is. Brady wonders where she was. She got a call and had to pick something up here. Dan is curious what she would need to pick up at his apartment. Liam is listening and loving it.
- Kate reads over a document in her office. She receives a delivery of a small gift box, with a mini card from Stefano, hoping she wears this to their next wonderful dinner. She mutters he can hold his breath, then decides the ring is a keeper and puts it on with a greedy smile. She soon
is on the phone about scheduling a meeting. Enter EJ, grumbling about
her predictable bag of tricks.
- Sami and Gabi meet at the pub and Sami apologizes for her harsh
words. Gabi is not interested and does not believe she will ever change. She knows she does not like her. Sami insists she has no issues with her. Abigail slowly approaches just as Gabi reminds Sami that she has a problem with Nick. Abigail stops and stares, quiet as a mouse.
- Paige has just been accepted to Stanford. She and Mary Beth squeal in excitement and Paige goes to call her mom where she can get better cell phone reception. JJ returns and glares at Mary Beth.
- Eric assures nervous Nicole that things will work out for Daniel. She
just wishes she could do more. He loves her for it, says so, and hugs her, then goes to find Brady. Nicole tells herself he will be understanding once she exposes Liam. She calls her only lead, the ex wife and she picks up this time! Deborah refuses to discuss her dastardly ex. Nicole notes he is doing it again, to someone close to her. The ex warns he will not stop. Nicole implores the Chicago resident to meet her at the location of her choosing so they can stop him. The ex warns if this is Liam's trick, she will have the Chicago police all over him. Nicole promises that is not the case ...
- Jen explains she left the key to Smith Island here, that is all. Pause. Dan informs Brady he has a video chat with Parker soon. Brady will continue with him later and takes his leave. Daniel now demands Jen come clean about what the hell is really going on here!
- JJ is disgusted with what Mary Beth did. She claims she knows the type he is and was protecting her pal. He starts to text Paige and the pal smugly states she is busy. She has been accepted to Stanford. JJ's face falls.
That is a college in California. JJ had no idea Paige ... Mary Beth finishes she will leave him in the dust and goes on her wicked way.
- Kate purrs EJ is a tad too sadistic for her tastes but he used to be fun. The DiMera heir asks her next move. She plays along and  teases he will have to wait and see. He leans forward and insists she tell him what she intends to do with this! Kate smiles a devious smile.
- Sami whispers with Gabi about what happened. Is she feeling guilty? Gabi insists that is not the case. She loudly states Nick is holding the
cards as Abigail comes to the table. Gabi excuses herself and Abigail asks Sami what Gabi meant by Nick holding all the cards. Sami forces a smile and sips her coffee. She claims she has no idea. Gabi goes from saying Nick has changed to having doubts. Abigail believes he has changed.
Sami suggests it is better to let a person prove themselves and adds
Abigail must wish she had done so with that worthless jerk that she was dating. Abigail hangs her head.
- Kate tries to take the green envelope in front of  EJ on the desk but he hangs onto it. She has rattled his cage and wants to negotiate. What is he offering her? EJ grimaces. She knows how much the formula is worth to Countess W. She hisses as much as the formula he stole from her. EJ
calls that the wrong answer. Kate snatches the envelope and starts to
open it.
- Brady gets back to the house of Kiriakis and stares at the bottles of booze, fighting the temptation. Eric emerges and explains Henderson let him in. He thanks him for stepping up. Brady bitterly tries to blow him off. Eric emotionally asks him to let him help Brady help Dan.
- Back at his place, Dan gets off the phone with mama Maggie, who
sends Jen her best. He now updates her on Abigail leaving the key for Horton cabin at her office, after she got it at Horton house. He demands to know what she is doing here. She had to look for something, agrees
this is serious, and insists they be honest. Dan is confused. Liam the loon nods, waiting for Dan’s whole world to come crashing down. He is counting on it.
- Paige comes back to JJ at the square. He has heard she is leaving for California in the fall. He wonders why she did not tell him. Paige looks worried.
- Sami catches herself for saying too much like usual. Abigail becomes flustered. Sam wonders if her older mystery man is still around. Abigail realizes she made a mistake, but no worries, it was over before anyone was hurt and she is relieved.
- Kate is miffed the envelope is empty. EJ starts to go. She notes he was upset about it and warns she will not be dragged down with him if this mystery concerns Nick. EJ silently walks out and blinks. If not Kate,
then who?! Dangerous drums play.
- Brady thinks there is nothing to do for Daniel. Eric hopes he will keep him updated. Brady sarcastically says sure. Eric is upset that Kristen is
still coming between them, Brady does not disagree. Eric asks what can make it go away. Brady bitterly snaps perhaps it never will. Exit unhappy Eric. Brady sends his file flying. He then clasps his hands and takes a
deep breath.
- Nicole is waiting at a posh club, assumes she was stood up, and gets ready to go. But a beautiful blonde stops her and introduces herself as Deborah Frasier. Liam's ex. She is ready to talk ...
- Dan is admittedly scared to death about the way Jen is acting and urges her to tell him what is the matter. She hands him over the pill bottle and whispers THIS. Dan reads it in dismay. Liam assumes victory is his. Perhaps he is assuming too much ...


Ahead on Days of Our Lives

Nicole discovers that Liam is a clear and present DANGER.
JJ feels rejected again.
All the drama in Salem on Wednesday, April 23