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Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Episode 12,823
Length: 1,250 descriptive words

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...

At the pub that bears the family name, Roman is having his final candid conversation with his son. Unshaven Eric is due to be sentenced tomorrow and tells him he wants no favors when he finds out he has arranged for him to be in the best cell block. Roman is relieved he has not been drinking but warns him he will be needing his help in the sheer HELL that is prison. The commissioner tells him he might have a target on his back and urges him to memorize two numbers. A direct line to him and another ... Lucas is with Jen at her house and states she was slurring when she spoke to her son-in-law. She calls him silly but Lucas knows an addict when he sees one. Jen dismisses him and denies she is addicted to the pills with which she keeps her back pain in check. Furthermore, she feels she has no time for the surgery Dr. Fynn suggested ... At DiMera mansion Abigail bounces baby Thomas on her lap in the living room. She smiles he is getting a new tooth. Chad suggests they stay at a hotel for the night. She smiles no and wonders why he would say such a thing ... Officer JJ arrives at Horton house. He somberly tells Jen and Lucas the latest on Abigail and Ben. Jen asks him to take her to her daughter and dismisses Lucas ... Chad suspects she would rather avoid that upstairs room. Abigail innocently wonders why. She advises him to hold their son to calm his nerves. He assures her the cops have Ben and she asks where they found him. Here at the house. She blinks in bewilderment ... Roman is summoned to the station. He urges his son to stay sober and go see his mother. Eric gets emotional and explains he does not want her to see how scared he is. Father and son share an embrace through their tears of torment ...

Chad asks Abigail what she remembers about tonight. She admits she had a bad dream that is all. He repeats she and Thomas are safe and Ben is locked up. Abigail asks if she saw him at the house as well. Chad takes the baby in his arms and changes the subject to getting a hotel room. She refuses and gets the baby back. Then she puts her head on his shoulder and asks if things are going to be alright. He promises he will see to it ... At their elegant home, Marlena and John are holding hands on the sofa. She asks him to stay with her. Anything, drawls he. She puts on a brave face and decides to check what they have in the fridge for dinner. Eric arrives and John greets him warmly. Marlena is elated to see her son. John excuses himself to the other room to finish up some work. He senses mother and son need to be alone. Eric explains he is here to say his goodbye before the sentencing tomorrow. After it is read in court he will be carted away. Marlena poignantly promises to visit. He wishes she would not and laments he is sorry. She weeps there is no need, But Eric is unable to forgive himself for what he did ... Abigail is sleeping soundly on the sofa. She dreams of the entire drama with Ben, including setting him on fire but does not seem to be bothered by it ... Jen and JJ arrive at DiMera mansion. Jen worries what JJ meant when he claimed things got crazy. Chad calmly states Abigail was attacked by Ben and fought with what she could to defend herself. The scissors couldn't stop him so she threw a kerosene lamp at him, hence his burns. Jen gingerly enters to see her daughter. She strokes her head as she sleeps peacefully on the sofa. JJ eyes Chad and comments how convenient there was a kerosene lamp in the room. Chad explains there are many at the mansion as of now. JJ quietly tells him to be sure to have a story that is consistent ... Marlena thinks Eric made a mistake and will have time to do some soul searching in prison. She praises him for being sober these last three days and promises to visit. He would rather the family not visit him in the hell where he is headed. Marlena tries to be upbeat and tells him he will get help in there. If not, he should contact her so she can get him the help he needs in there. Eric humors her and she invites him to stay the night. He acts like he has other places he must go and hugs his mother for the last time. After he departs, she falls apart at the door. John approaches and holds her in his strong arms while she weeps, no words necessary ...

JJ reminds Chad he is going to have to write a police report. Chad insists his story is consistent. Jen emerges and asks Chad to tell Abigail to call after she wakes up. Then she departs with JJ. Chad returns to the room where the woman he loves is sleeping and silently prays. He then sits at his computer and does an internet search of nervous breakdown symptoms ... JJ must leave Jen at home and return to his shift at the station. Before he goes she tells him to do what he must to keep Ben locked up. Once alone, Jen pours herself a big glass of red wine and downs it with a handful of pills to numb the pain. Eric soon comes knocking on her Horton door. She offers him wine and he drinks up. She toasts to hideaways ... Officer JJ walks past the guard in front of Ben's room and enters. The patient is unconscious and hooked up to a monitor. The burns on his legs and torso have been dressed and bandaged. JJ leans close to his ear and leers he knows he played the system by faking insanity while plotting to break out of the hospital to go after Abigail. He will not let him get away with it ... Unshaven Eric laughs and asks fellow drinker Jen what she is hiding from. Lucas! He laughs so is he. Jan complains about the craziness in the world reaching you or your kids even when you try to be a good person and walk the line. Eric agrees. You turn your back one minute and the world ruins everything. He glumly muses he must leave tomorrow for he is being sentenced. Jen impulsively moves in and they start to smooch. Then she jumps up and asks him to take her somewhere anywhere. They walk out into the uncertain night together ... Chad shuts his computer and realizes he must do more to save his sleeping beauty ... JJ leans closer to Ben's sleeping face and vows to make him answer for what he did to Paige, Will, Serena and the woman in the woods. YOU WILL PAY! He means it to. JJ is now a man on a mission ...


Ahead on Days of Our Lives:
Nicole has questions for Deimos.
Caroline hears who killed Stefano!
Rafe and Hope kiss.
Deimos is suspected of harming Maggie as well as Bo.


All the drama in Salem on Tuesday, April 12