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Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Episode 13,313
1470 words

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...


Eve is at the square phone speaking to an employee about the votes for the new face of Bella. Brady comes up behind her and she says not to touch her so he sits. She admits she has to have his pic in the magazine with a letter from the editor. He keeps touching her, much to her dismay ... Ciara and Claire are at the loft waiting and watching online. Tripp teases them about the big Bella contest. He believes real beauty is skin deep and gets himself a bite to eat in the kitchen ... Rafe is on the phone from work to let Chad know Justin is appealing as they speak. Will, Sonny and himself have Arianna covered so tell Gabi no worries. Chad is with Gabi as she is being processed. Rafe really appreciates it. Hope walks in. Meanwhile at DiMera mansion Marlena confronts Stefan and fake Gabi. She knows he knows who she is and informs Abigail she missed her appointment - intentionally she suspects. Stefan points out they are having PR problems. They excuse her getup as a Gabi Chic look. Marlena insists on having their appointment now and advises her to remove the wig that ALTERS her appearance ... At the club Lucas gushes with glam date Chloe about getting a house at the lake this summer. Chloe is distracted so he repeats himself. She admits she was not listening and he warns her not to believe Miguel. But the songbird wants to believe that someone wants to produce an opera for her. Lucas laments she seems to be considering it ... Hope has heard about Gabi and is sincerely sorry. Rafe sighs it is unbelievable cos Abigail actually turned on her ... Back at DiMera mansion fake Gabi asks Marlena to leave. Doc insists they have their appointment alone now. Fake Gabi complains about a hefty house call bill. Marlena wants Stefan to go but Gabby wants him to stay. Marlena mentions their earlier conversation. She assumes she knows Dr. Laura and claims she is aware she has at least three personalities. Dr. Laura left with her glasses, her prop, the way that wig is this alter’s prop. She refers to Laura as the gatekeeper who covers for Abigail and adds Laura wanted her to back off but she will not. Abigail came and asked for her help. Gabby now tells her she happens to be GABBY. Stefan watches with worry ...

Tripp eats his food and makes fun of the fact that he did not vote for the new fresh face. Claire gets catty that he should have voted for Ciara. Tripp will not get in the middle and heads to work. He wishes the ladies luck ... Claire boasts Theo voted for her all the way from South Africa. All of a sudden Claire sees the results online ... Eve and Brady also see the results from their table at the cafe square. Ciara and Claire both made the cut but Ciara seems to be in the lead. Brady murmurs he never gives up. Eve advises him to accept defeat ... Chloe has her dreams but Lucas is worried Miguel might be a crazy stalker trying to get her alone. Chloe calls him paranoid. Lucas believes he has been thru so much in crazy Salem no one should be surprised ... Gabby claims she is a different girl. Marlena snaps Stefan should have tried to get her help. The girl insists she is real and needs only Stefan not a shrink. Then they kiss. Marlena is utterly appalled ... Miguel comes into the club. Lucas is annoyed. Miguel asks Chloe if she has considered the offer. He reaches for something in his pocket and claims to have big guns. Lucas goes berserk and shoves him down to the table. Chloe gasps ... Hope reminds Rafe they do not know the truth yet but they will find it. He brings up Stefan. Hope states the mystery woman was spotted at the Hong Kong hotel. Rafe suspects Stefan of working with her and setting up his sis. Hope agrees and apologizes for not being able to do more in Hong Kong. Rafe sighs he failed Gabi. Hope gives him a sympathetic hug ...

Marlena tells Stefan to stop taking advantage and help the girl. Gabby insists she wants only him and blasts Chad for not backing up Abigail. Marlena knows the dark side alter senses she will disappear for good when Abigail gets better. She notices Stefan’s silence and suspects him of conspiring to steal Chad’s wife. She warns him the girl is unwell. Stefan suggests she is now the woman she really wants to be. Marlena compares him to Stefano when he was obsessed with her. Stefan gets testy and tells her he wants to protect Gabby. Marlena starts to call Chad to warn him. He will see that his wife gets the help she needs. Stefan glances at Gabby ...

Claire cannot believe that Ciara is ahead in the votes and accuses her of fixing them. She calls her Tripp’s consolation prize. Ciara smugly states she only entered to beat her. Claire accuses her of trying to take away all that matters to her and exits ... At the square Brady wonders why Eve now wants Ciara to win since Claire has a fan base. Eve feels she should focus on her music. Brady reminds her how she told Claire she would be perfect when they saw her on their first date. Eve gets bitter about that date. Tripp now gets them their drinks and hears Ciara is in the lead. He hopes there is peace back at the loft. Brady wants to make a bet. If Claire wins then Eve will give him another chance. And that’s not all. If Ciara wins he will stay away from Eve forever. She shakes on it ... Gabby grabs Marlena’s phone. She snaps she could sue her if she told anyone about her. Marlena talks exception when the patient could be in danger or a crime could be committed. Plus Gabby the alter is not her patient, Abigail is. Stefan argues and warns her no one dares cross him just as no one dared cross Stefano DiMera. He threatens to ruin her life if she does not leave. The blonde blinks ...

Hope promises to help Rafe and he thanks her though he is sorry about what happened between them. He thinks they can work things out. Hope begs to differ. Rafe looks like his soul has been slapped ... Chloe cries to let the guy go. Lucas finds a plane ticket in his pocket. Chloe profusely apologizes. Miguel explains his employer wants to fly Chloe down to Mexico City to discuss the deal face to face. Lucas says no way. Miguel tells her ex to support her opportunity and believes it is up to Miss Lane to decide. He hopes to her from her and leaves. Chloe glares at Lucas ... Rafe reasons Hope is his everything and they are worth fighting for. She would rather move forward not backwards ... Gabby leers to go away. Dr. Marlena warns her people will notice as they already know she is not quite herself. She suddenly realizes this is the mystery woman who masqueraded as Gabi on the surveillance video the night Andre was murdered. Stefan goes silent ... Lucas tries to tear up the plane ticket and warns Chloe of the danger. She knows the music world and points out opera is her passion. It might be a missed opportunity. Lucas argues but the boss is hiding his identity and suddenly does the math. Meanwhile Miguel complains to the boss on his phone that Lucas has become a big problem ...

Brady bumps into Claire at the square and suggests her followers will vote for her. He is on her side ... Stefan suggests Marlena is simply blowing smoke. She notes Andre’s phone was found by him and asks whether he killed Andre and then used Abigail to cover. She is obliged to contact the police. Stefan offers to go to the station with her and give himself up. Gabby growls like hell and whacks her on the head with a poker. Marlena goes down! ... Claire asks Brady to make her win. He wants to go by the book and wishes her luck ... Claire mutters to herself about getting more votes and Tripp overhears ... Eve visits Ciara at the loft to praise her. She hopes she is ready. Ciara assumed Claire was her pet. Eve admits she really wants ... to see Ciara win ... Rafe scoffs when Hope calls their love a lie. She sighs it was Sami and more. Words were spoken and he gave up on them by breaking their engagement. She now presents him with annulment papers ... Stefan is dismayed and wishes Gabby had not attacked. She wonders what they should do next. Marlena is on the floor, not moving ...


All the drama in Salem on Tuesday, April 10