Days of Our Lives September 14, 2011
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
up on September 13




- Mel is at the Cheatin Heart, leaving Brady an angry voice mail about Dario's promotion. He was mean and nasty to get him away from her! She hangs up and smiles a nice hello to Dario, who has just entered. He notes she sounded intense. She stammers it concerned Carly's road trip, but he heard her say his promotion would ruin her life. He thinks she should talk to him about it and wonders who she was talking to. A friend and she was exaggerating. She will miss him and cries Argentina is too
far to spend weekends together. However, she does not want to stand between him and his dreams. Dario gently takes her face in his hands
and declares she is his dream. He therefore will not take the job. Mel pouts she was just being a drama queen. He explains he would not have accepted the job if he thought he might lose her. His phone rings and
they arrange to meet for lunch. Mel asks him to wait until they talk
more, though Dario has his mind made up about turning it down. He kisses her and is gone.
- At the rehab center, the doc talks self-forgiveness to Carly and points out her kids forgive her. Carly is excited about their road trip together, though the doc has her doubts. She reminds Carly she has not moved
on and forgiven herself. Carly claims it is all vague anyway. The doc warns it would be a mistake to go on the trip without forgiving herself. Carly is at a loss. The doc suggests she start by apologizing to those she thinks she hurt. She also needs to make sure her kids are getting to know the real her. Carly nods she is ready.
- At the police station, Bo informs Hope that the lab is working on the DNA test for the hairs. Hope sits down at the computer and starts to run
a facial recognition program to match the composite sketch. They watch, though it will take some time.
- At the Brady pub, Gus gets snarky with Viv about her beloved son.
Why are they not breakfasting together if they are so close! He taunts he is too busy for her. Viv deduces Gus is upset for he feels left out. She uses the J word. He insists he is not jealous. She insists he is. Quinn is
a man among men, whereas he is not. However, he is usually good at service. At least he used to be, before his obsession with Quinn affected his work. He needs to find a hobby. Gus announces he has one. "I'm a vigilante." Viv laughs, unaware that he is dead serious!
- Bo and Hope enter the pub. Hope is apparently busy planning food
and more for the big party on the 26th. They are both excited about the shindig. Bo states Salem has never seen such a bash! He notices Hope's
long face and wonders what is the matter. He puts his arms around her. Hope sadly recalls that when she was going through her recipe box, she came across all of the wonderful recipes gran wrote down for her. She never made any of them! Bo assures her gran was proud of her and she still has time to learn. Hope sighs it was also hard seeing her handwriting wishing her luck. She cries she wishes she was there helping her to plan the party. "I miss my gran, Bo." He caresses her face. Hope mentions how the town square was finished thanks to the funds gran left for the project. It was a dream of hers. Even the flowers are from her. She wishes she could have seen her big dream come true. Bo understands. Baseball season always reminds him he will not be able to watch with his pop. He also misses him when he goes fishing. Hope tells him how she forgot the name of a music box song Ciara wanted to know and almost said she would call gran. She cannot believe it has almost been a whole year. Bo gets choked up. Their loves ones will be a part of their hearts. Always.
- Tay wakes up under the sheets in shirtless Quinn's bed. He asks if she regrets it when she appears surprised. She does not regret spending the night, and confesses she could never get him out of her head. Quinn did not get over her either and admits it. Perhaps that was why he acted so mad. Tay laments he threatened to expose her past. She has an issue
with that whole thing. He wishes he could wipe the slate clean and start over. Tay introduces herself. He smiles hello and they kiss. They soon enjoy fruit and croissants in bed, courtesy of room service. Times have changed. Quinn drawls his business has been doing well. Tay unhappily notes there is always a demand. Quinn hopes she believes he shut it down. She does indeed, as the latest stalker victim was Chloe, who was not a lady of the evening. Quinn blanches. "Chloe?" he gasps. Taylor explains the cops realize the attacker is now targeting women who are
not hookers. Quinn wants to know if Chloe can say anything and is stunned to hear she is in a coma. Tay remarks he is upset. Quinn mutters if he can get his hands on this bastard, he will kill him! Tay hopes he was speaking metaphorically. Quinn emotionally states this attacker hurting women drives him insane, that is all. Tay is impressed by the depth of
his compassion. She reaches to kiss him again. A glass of orange juice on the tray is broken. Tay slips out of bed and goes to get cleaned up in the washroom, Quinn places a call and leaves a message for Chloe. He hopes she is okay. He then attempts to call for an update, but is unable to learn anything. Tay returns wearing a robe and they kiss. Knock knock!
Quinn assumes it is room service and opens the door to Vivian and glum Gus. "Surprise!" gushes mama Viv ...
- There is a knock at Carly's door in the rehab center. She is delighted
to see Mel, bearing pumpkin muffins. Carly is curious what is up. Mel is seeking advice. Dario got a promotion he wants and deserves, though it happens to be in Argentina. Carly is sympathetic. Mel admits Dario heard her chewing out Brady on the phone and now knows she is unhappy and says he will not go. Plus, Brady set up the promotion only because he is attempting to keep them apart. However, she does not wish to tell Dario that. If he finds out the real reason he got the promotion, it will destroy him. Carly has some advice to offer ...

Read Part 2 - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
Part 2