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Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)


Julie practices at the church but dapper Doug points out she should project her voice more … Pretty returned Belle hugs John and Marlena. John asks about Shawn. He went straight to see Hope. Allie appears and Belle warmly greets her, surprised Sami just found out about her state! She cannot wait to get caught up. Time to go get ready. Belle is now baffled to see maid of honor Claire at home … Shawn runs into Hope at the house and hears Ciara is in hospital. At that very moment Salem patient Ciara is getting fluids from an IV and asks Dr. Sarah about her test results … Ben demands to see his bride-to-be but by the wedding book Will stops him from heading out the door … As they sit on the sofa Hope updates shocked Shawn on Ciara’s strange last minute sickness, the fact that it could be … Claire sobs on Belle’s shoulder complaining Ciara sacked her. But no one minds Ciara marrying the serial killer! John and Marlena sit in silence on the sofa … Will talks bad luck but Ben believes Ciara was drugged and demands his phone … At the Kiriakis mansion Victor informs suited Xander that Ciara is in hospital so no wedding today. He seeks answers and plans to go see her for himself. Xander offers to drive … Sarah calls the tests inconclusive. That means if there was something in her system it is now flushed out. Ben calls. Ciara answers and he insists on seeing her …

Colorful Julie concludes her practice with ‘kiss the bride’ so Doug tries to sneak one. She is anxious about having another disaster but Doug believes all is well … Shawn unhappily hears from Hope that Claire could have done something to Ciara again. Strange music plays … Belle asks Marlena her honest opinion about Claire. More strange music plays as Marlena explains she is disappointed. Belle is disappointed her daughter’s efforts were a bust … Phone Ciara assures Ben she is alright. He wonders about the wedding. She puts Sarah on speaker phone. The wedding can proceed and there was no definite sign of a drug. Sarah goes and Ben and Ciara gush they cannot wait … Sarah runs into Xander and the smile fades from her sweet face. She tries to dismiss him as he declares how lonely his nights are without her. She accuses him of having an affair the night he moved out of the Kiriakis mansion … Julie reminds Doug of the disastrous time Rafe hurt bride Hope by being outed as a cheater. Speak of the suited devil … Shawn realizes Hope’s suspicions might be right but he was so sure Claire was trying. Hope feels Ciara deserves a worry free wedding today and apologizes to her sad son … Victor gets his visit with Ciara, who sighs about the three strange things that happened after Claire came on board. He accepts his granddaughter’s decision but takes no sides since he loves both girls. Alas he cannot attend the wedding today. She wonders whether he disapproves of Ben …

Relieved Ben gets ready. Best man Will suggests they head for the church. Ben now gets another call. Statesville prison with a call from Clyyyyyyyyyde. Much to Will’s dismay Ben does accept the call from his dangerous da. He says a few words and agrees with unseen unheard Clyde, then assures Will he just wanted to wish him ... well. He was hurt he got no invitation and stated he was sending a gift … Victor explains his beloved Maggie needs him at home cos she has a bad cold. Ciara promises lots of pictures and clips. They exchange I love yous and he wishes her a wonderful wedding … Marlena is teaching Belle a card game when glum Claire emerges. Belle asks for a word alone. Vision in blue Marlena goes to change her earrings. Belle is sympathetic with ponytail Claire, who believes the world blames her for everything. Belle urges her to believe in herself. Claire feels unfairly judged and hangs her head. Belle thinks with time her friendship with Ciara will get back on track. Crestfallen Claire doubts it and Belle hugs her despairing daughter …

Xander denies sleeping with the girl who came to his room from an agency. He laughs out loud when livid Sarah blasts him for being with a lady of the evening. She is not amused. He needed a masseuse and suggests she call the service. She feels like a fool. He gives her an intense stare and questions her presence at his door. Victor spoke with her and made her realize he was working hard to regain her trust. He romantically deduces she was ready to try again … Julie just wanted everything to be perfect for Ciara’s wedding. Rafe is a tad testy so Doug gushes they are grateful he is walking Ciara down the aisle. Both Doug and Julie assure him he is alright … Stylish Hope and pretty in pink Allie pick up Ciara from the hospital. Allie is honored when Ciara asks her to be her new maid of honor … Chez John and Marlena, Belle lets Shawn know that Claire denied everything as Claire secretly listens at the door. Belle fears her mental state is not as good as she convinced everyone. Shawn also is concerned and holds her close. Claire covers her face with a hand but seems to smile …

Belle suggests Shawn head to the wedding. She will stay for Claire, who wanted to sleep in her room. Shawn will be back when he can, kisses her and goes … Allie has a hairclip from her grandmother for Ciara. Tis something borrowed. Hope has new flowers and a blue and whiter garter. The something old makes Ciara and Hope emotional for tis a pair of earrings Bo bought for his daughter when he knew he would not make it. Bo is with her always. They weep and hug. Ciara also thanks Allie. Her dream wedding is about to come true … Ben wants to get to the church in time but Will wants to straighten his friend's tie. Ben gets a tad tense and thanks him … Rafe heads out to await the bride. Doug gets his most beautiful girl in the world to smile again. She marvels he is the most wonderful man in the world and gives him a kiss … Hopeful heart Xander suggests nervous Sarah attend the wedding with him. She agrees and gazes back at him … Doug flirts up a storm with Julie and makes her relax. Shawn arrives and Doug gives him a hearty hug. Alas Belle is home with Claire. The harp plays as Ben and Will take their places. Will thinks the church looks wonderful. Ben cannot wait to take care of his beloved Ciara forever. Xander arrives with stunning Sarah and thanks her for giving him hope. John and Marlena arrive and she approaches Ben, who thanks her for her help earlier. At time he feels unworthy but Ciara motivates him to be a better man. Marlena thinks he is wonderful. He emotionally thanks her for every time she has saved him and hugs her … Rafe admires Hope behind the scenes. She explains Allie replaced Claire for they felt it would be best. Rafe senses something … Belle has a plate of food in hand when Claire comes back from some fresh air. She is evasive when Belle wonders where she went and thanks her for believing in her. They hug and the girl stares into space … Back at the busy packed church, Ciara is in her tiara happily thanking Rafe and Hope, ready for her big moment. Close by an explosive device is strapped to the holy wall, cruelly counting down to CHAOS!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on Tuesday, July 21, 2020