Days of Our Lives Spoilers March 9-13, 2009 All rights reserved. LINK ONLY! Next Week on Days - click here! - Sami wishes she could bring home baby Grace. - Meanwhile, nutty Nicole seems to want both Grace and Sydney! - EJ insists his only concern for Sami is as Johnny's mother. - The DiMeras play dirty and delete key Titan files! Phil is enraged as this could cost him his plum Titan position! He confronts EJ but the DiMeras are not in the least bit intimidated. EJ boasts Phil is no match for a DiMera. - Will wants his parents to get back together! - Lucas thinks Sydney resembles Aly! - Evil Kate weaves her web. - Will suspects something is not quite right with Chloe. - Chloe is desperate to elope. Lucas starts to wonder why ... - Chloe sees Dan at the chapel. - Daniel puts in a good word for Chloe - to Lucas. - Kate tries to get the truth from Daniel, though he denies he was ever phsyical with Lucas' fiancee and then throws her for a loop with his own question! - Just when Kate is ready to have it out with Chloe, she gets her way and appears to have convinced Lucas to wed her outta town, in Vegas ... The clock is ticking! - Vic advises Kate not to let Lucas see her meddling. - EJ and Nicole get close again, in the biblical sense. - Phillip impresses Stephanie. - Max and Will get reacquainted. - Phil decides to tell EJ about Brady and Nicole's secret! But Brady does not seem that worried about it. Nicole, however, is in panic mode! - Doc Baker tells Nicole goodbye and she is relieved - After he gets fired by the F.B.I., Rafe decides to stay in Salem! - Much to Sami's delight, Rafe applies to the Salem P.D. But Bo wants to keep the new guy away from reinstated cop Hope, due to what his unclear, wild vision seemed to show! - Dan and Hope have coffee and a chat. - Before it was implied, now it is made evident that Stefano ordered the hit on the mayor, which means he is also to blame for his crazy assassin's follow-up attempt on Sami's life! Roman probes and interrogates. The phoenix is just as deadly as ever, by the way. Don't be fooled by the smiles and charm! He now sets out to cover his tracks, just as EJ points out that Sami will be in danger until the assassin's boss is found!. - Chelsea decides she should end it with Max after she overhears him say he wants children. He thinks she is wrong as adoption worked for both of them in their families. - Tony makes Mel an offer concerning the fuels project (as we all know, the Count's days are numbered so this is also a major clue). |
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