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Monday, May 9, 2016
Episode 12,842
Length:1100 descriptive words

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...


And so it came to pass that 2 hours ago Rafe kissed Hope goodnight at her door and departed into the Salem night ...Hope saw Aiden in her house alive and it is NOW. The Intruder Part 1. Aiden stands before her alive. She drops her mug and gasps NO. Time stands still and starts to rewind ... It is 6 months ago ... Aiden leaves Hope in their wedding bed, heading downstairs. Welcome to Aiden's story. He did get what he was supposed to use to kill her downstairs and there were fireworks as he held the necktie he was supposed to strangle her with. Hope comes downstairs looking for this man she loves. Aiden hides in the shadows, dressed in black to do the deed. She steps away and he takes the mask off as he tells himself he cannot kill her. He sweats and heads for the door to leave. But when he opens it he finds himself face to face with himself. EVIL AIDEN THE CLONE COMES INSIDE. Andre injects real Aiden in the neck and tauntingly dumps him in his trunk. He is bound, gagged, and headed for hell. Meanwhile Evil Aiden creeps upstairs ...The Cell - Part 1 - and abducted Aiden is dizzy as he gets to his feet in his CAGE. The bright lights above are blinding. He hollars but no one hears. He threatens he will bury Stefano if he hurts Hope and gas seeps through the vent. He starts to gag and passes out. It passes and he wakes up coughing. Food and drink has been left and he looks at it. He rages to Andre he is now on a hunger strike and spies a small dead bird which appears to be stuffed. More gas overcomes him again. When he finally wakes up he wonders whether the gas was what killed the little dead bird he now shares his cage with. He needs water so he drinks from the bottle. He wants to be strong to get out, finds notepads and pens,and shouts he is not staying long enough to write a diary. Footage of Hope and Aiden's wedding starts to play on a screen and he sobs he is so sorry. He is devastated when the screen shows what looks like a very dead Hope and curses Andre. He weeps he was not going to do it ...

Two months ago. The Cell Part 2. Bearded Aiden has notes and writings about DiMera and a calendar. He has been talking to the dead bird, desperate not to be driven insane. He made lists of what he ate these past 115 days. He questions why his torturers Stefano and Andre have not appeared to him. He continues to converse with the dead bird and declares every situation has a solution as he stares at his scribblings in the notebooks. It troubles him that Chase must think he killed his stepmom and abandoned him by running away. Now the news shows that Chase raped a girl but Aiden refuses to believe it. Chase was always a good boy. He also thinks that Chase thinks he killed Hope. He laments Hope is dead and screams NOOOOOOOOO STOOOOOOOOOP KILL ME NOW! More gas surrounds him ...Aiden times it and sits down and tries not to breathe too much. It stops seconds before he wakes up. He informs the bird he feels stronger. More gas comes and he walks to the other side of his cell as it follows his voice.

3 weeks ago - The Escape. The captive can hold his breath longer and more easily. But he knows not how long the gas lasts. He can hold his breath a little longer than 3 minutes and makes a plan. He gets back to his notes and calculations and the gas starts up again. This time he holds his breath the entire time while lying very still. The gas lifts and a guard opens his cell door. He sets down his food and Aiden jumps him from behind. Aiden gets him in a choke hold and he is soon out cold. Aiden is now on the move and he takes his little bird friend with him. 1 week ago - The Road Home. Aiden is in a public washroom all shaven and cleaned up. He thinks his lookalike is still out there, but vows to stay strong and focused and find out the truth. Leaving the little bird, he heads out with his cap on. He will start at Hope's house ... The freeway sign says North Oklahoma 69. He tries to hitchhike and finally someone stops and he gets in. The car drives on and the story forges on ...

Two Hours Ago - Goodnight Kiss Part 2. Hope's house. Aiden gets inside with the spare key that was hidden. He looks around and wistfully lifts a mantle framed photo. No one is home. He goes up the stairs and that is when the door opens. Rafe kisses Hope goodnight and goes on his way ... The Intruder Part 2. When Aiden emerges he does not have his cap on. He cannot help but smile since he sees Hope is very much alive as she texts Ciara while standing in the living room. She recoils in horror and cries it cannot be! He is sorry, insists he is real and has much to tell her but she starts to call the cops. He implores her to hear him out. She pulls her gun and sends him flying to the floor. She screams you are dead. He tries to explain it was all Andre. Fearing for her life, she holds her gun on him and orders him to shut up. He stands up and attempts to explain but she stares darkly at him, insisting he was shot dead months ago. She saw it with her own eyes. She now snaps to turn around and roughly cuffs him, warning him not to speak. The two backup cops arrive. The cops frisk him and she tells them to take him to the station before she totally loses it with her weapon. The two cops cart him off. Aiden stays silent. Hope is alone again. She drops her gun and bends over gasping in tears. But this is not the end. This is really the beginning ... stay tuned!

Ahead on Days of Our Lives:
At the station Aiden says he will talk
but only to Hope ...
Ling the loon's virus wreaks havoc.
Steve suspects Joey ran with his jacket

All the drama in Salem on Monday, May 9