Days of Our Lives June 17, 2014
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Tuesday June 17, 2014
Episode 12,359

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...

Nicole greets the server at the pub counter, seeking Eric. He is out so Nicole decides she will wait. Woman in black and white Sami appears
and she is out for blood! She taunts her adversary for losing Eric and demands the details. Nicole refuses to share and claims she has a headache as she gets sugar for her coffee. That does not stop Sami, who wants the scoop on what exactly she did to her poor unsuspecting twin...
- Eric is meeting with the bishop in his office. He is there to clear his
name as well as that of the good church and hands him the Chyka papers. The three drugs are discussed. The bishop believes some pages seem to be missing. Eric explains these pages were all they found and were put back together. The bishop now poses a key question. Just how did the fallen father come by said pages of proof ...?
- Jen shows up at Dan’s door and gasps she simply had to come! She already texted but his replies were distant. Dan drawls they should keep their space, adding he has been busy with doctoring and being a daddy to Parker. Jen enters anyway, insisting they have a heart-to-heart right here right now. She thinks they can overcome that Nicole misunderstanding. Dan would rather not discuss, then sighs so be it. She gasps she is sorry she interfered. Dan exclaims what irks him is her low opinion of him! Jen thinks that was just semantics but Dan is offended and hurt and will not let it slide.
- At the apartment, Will picks up the baby. Sonny is lying on the couch and explains he brought the baby out so Gabi could sleep in. Pause. Will hopes Ari is doing well, though she does keep looking around for her mommy. Sonny sees she misses her. He has prepared a schedule for them. Will hopes they can make this work. Sonny crouches down by the pretty alert baby, tells her and Will they will do just fine with the changes, and gives her a sweet kiss.
- Ben says hey to hurrying Abigail at the square and assumes he acted too fast and she changed her mind about them. She faces him holding her box of treats and explains her huge new project with take a couple of days. After she can continue where they left off. She flashes a smile, gushes she will see him soon, and flounces off. Ben grins.
- Rafe is kissing Jordan in bed in her dreams. She wakes up all alone in her big bed, missing him something awful.
- Rafe stirs in another big bed and blinks. He turns over to find sleeping Kate next to him and gasps OH MY GOD. Kate wakes up with a satisfied little sound, but they both suddenly declare in unison that last night was a MISTAKE! They agree their timing was terrible. Kate notes he was in a bad place. Rafe muses then it was pity love making? She gushes nooooo, it was most enjoyable, but he had been drinking ... He roguishly drawls maybe him but she was certainly not drinking. Kate insists they keep their secret lest everything be ruined! Rafe assumes that she is referring to his relationship with Jordan. Kate plays along.
- Eric explains the proof was thanks to Dan's investigating. When did the evidence emerge? Four months ago. Eric must now confess that it was concealed. By whom? By NICOLE!
- Nicole and Sami start to bicker. Nicole points out she never assaulted Eric and worked tirelessly to clear his name, whereas Sami was busy in bed with EJ, who probably knew all about it. She adds he was probably an accomplice! Sami suspiciously demands to know why Eric dumped her. Nicole insists he will come around and mentions her mistakes ...
Sami wants to know more about said mistakes. Nicole talks love. Sami probes. Nicole admits she faltered but surely he will forgive... Sami stops her right there.
- Ben calls sister Jordan to come on down to the club for a free coffee. She reluctantly agrees and then sighs at a picture of herself with Rafe. Perhaps she should venture to his apartment for a heart-to-heart ...
- Abigail is visiting chez Wilson, having brought muffins and breakfast. The guys appreciate it. Abigail now nervously updates Will on needing help with his mother's sudden wedding. Sonny wonders whether EJ knows Sami has fast tracked their wedding. Exasperated Abigail exclaims EJ was there when Sami enlisted her and repeats she needs help! Sonny wonders why she is so unhappy about the wedding planning. A wedding
is supposed to be a happy event. Abigail flashes back to her affair with
EJ. Will notices the look on her frazzled face and deduces she does not want to wedding plan. His mom must have pushed her into it.
- Rafe wrongly assumes the person Kate is concerned about is Jordan. She humors him and starts to get out of bed when they hear a noise in the hallway. They stop and wonder.
- Jordan is presently drowning her romantic sorrows with a coffee at the club, complaining to sympathetic Ben. Ben tries to be positive. She sighs he is right of course Rafe needs time. Still she missed him last night and hardly slept a wink ...
- Jen is desperate to repair her relationship with Dan ... Knock knock!
Tis mama Maggie, who is overcome about Gabi and Melanie. She is in tears and hopes she did not interrupt. Jen assures her she did not and the redhead in the elegant white suit momentarily collapses in her son's
strong arms. Mel could have been killed and good friend Gabi was responsible! It is tragic when someone you care about betrays you! Then Chad put their Mel through even more pain. Dan has been in contact with her via phone calls and states she is fine. But Maggie fears it could be too late for them to help their girl! If only she had been comfortable enough
to confide in her family!
- The bishop politely promises to look over the proof. He will also have
to interview the parties involved, meaning Dr. Dan as well as Nicole. He seems to question the authenticity of the papers but Eric emphatically informs him they are very real. The holy man suggests his case could be reopened, his future very different if it all works out. Eric certainly hopes so ...
- Sami presses Nicole for answers. Nicole yells Eric chose her over the church anyway. Sami places her hands on her hips and questions what really happened when she was alone with dastardly Doctor Chyka in his cabin out in the middle of nowhere. She starts to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Nicole must have gotten the proof then and hid it from Eric all this time! She calls her a beech and Nicole calls her a ho. They beech slap each other and then start to grab and pound at each other. No one is there to break it up. Not yet.
- Ben gives Jordan a pep talk. He adds he is grateful and will never forget how she helped him, put her life on the line! The siblings do not see Kate, who has arrived and stands listening to the telling exchange!
- Abigail confirms Sami would not accept no for an answer. Will muses his mom has few friends and thanks Abigail for accepting. Sonny thanks her for the delicious muffins. Will makes mention of the muffins she recently made with Johnny DiMera. Sami said good things about that. Why, even EJ likes her! Abigail tries to act nonchalant but the alarm shows on her face.
- After Jordan goes on her way, deciding Rafe really does need time,
Kate slithers toward busy Ben. She innocently asks for ice coffee and is Sonny around? Ben replies he is coming in later and turns to make the coffee. She pretends she will text Sonny and holds up her phone, slyly snapping Ben's picture.
- Sami and Kate scream and struggle like banshees. Eric rushes in and stands between them, chiding the childish ones for not acting like adults. He tells Sami to go. Sami is enraged and refuses. Eric asks her to stop hounding Nicole. She thinks she deserves worse. Eric points out Sami knew EJ knew that Kristen was out to get him and did not act. Sami is incensed. She argues Nicole lied to him so why side with her! Eric thinks there are no sides and urges his sister to go. Sami continues to state her case. Why should she be the one to leave and not evil Nicole who hid
the proof?! Eric reminds Sami she chose to stay with EJ even though she knew he did not prevent Kristen from drugging and ruining him! Sami
gets offended, gives Nicole one last murderous look, and walks out, slamming the door behind herself for dramatic effect. Eric gives Nicole
a long strange stare.
- Kate drops by Will and Sonny's apartment with a teething ring. Sonny graciously accepts it. Kate brings up the new bartender and Sonny states that is Ben. Kate now pretends she left her wallet at the bar and asks for Ben’s last name. Rogers. She flounces off to go look for the wallet she pretends she left behind, turning down Sonny's offer to call him. She
now what she came for. A full name!
- Rafe has been summoned to the club by Ben and he wants to discuss
his sister.
- Jordan runs into Abigail at the square. Abigail asks about Rafe and the stress he must be feeling.
- Dan assures mama Maggie they can schedule a video chat with Mel.
Jen watches and remains silent. Maggie suggests they do so during Parker's welcome home party. Dan drawls there is that time difference with Europe. The redhead agrees it could be lunch time then, wishes Jen well and apologizes for the interruption. She departs in better spirits than when she came ... Once alone with Dan, Jen admits she is hurt he did not involve her in Parker's party nor did he share the news about Mel. Dan makes light of it. Jen thinks he is acting like a stranger. Dan breathes to sit down ...
- Rafe refuses to open up to Ben, who is worried about how he is dealing with the Gabi drama. Rafe is down on himself and suspects he could screw up Jordan's life too. He suggests she would be better off without him!
- Abigail suddenly notices she and Jordan are standing near the exact
spot where Nick the notorious collapsed. So many lives have been affected ...
- Back at the apartment, college student Will is busy finishing a take
home final. Sonny is holding down the fort. Will sighs about his essays on pragmatism. Sonny proudly reminds him then comes the graduation. Will worries about getting a job. Sonny insists there is no pressure but Will is hard on himself regardless. He wants to carry his weight, then realizes he is running late. He gives his hubby a kiss and heads for the shower.
Sonny gets an idea ...
- Nicole tries to thank Eric but he snaps she should not even be here. There is NOTHING left for her! She feebly asks about his meeting with the bishop today. Eric folds his arms and coldly confirms it took place.
- Dan explains how Jennifer's low opinion devastated him. He sniffles, remembering when his Rebecca died. He became a reckless rogue, but
Jen changed him, with her high opinion of him. Jen wants to put what happened with Nicole in perspective. He emotionally states he has done some soul searching. He always cared what Jen thought of him and how he longed to impress her! Jen insists she holds him in the highest regard, but downtrodden Dan disagrees. She looked at him like he was a liar and an immoral man at that! Jen cries no. Dan gets choked up that she does not believe in him. It hurts like hell. Jen wishes she could undo the hurtful words and begs for another chance. Dan has already decided it is too late.
- In the park, Kate is on the phone with her private investigator. The fella in the photo she sent him is definitely linked to Jordan's story. He needs
to get her something ...
- Rafe reminds Ben he knows nothing about Jordan and her past and he
is not talking. Of course he has not revealed that they are siblings to anyone. He just wanted to protect her like Gabi but Gabi ended in a disaster. He will not make the same mistake with Jordan! He woefully walks away. Ben sighs.
- Abigail is hoping to give Rafe a note to pass on to Gabi at the prison. Jordan must admit that Rafe has not been communicating with her much. Abigail is sympathetic but before they can discuss the matter any further, Sami appears and drags Abigail off to help her wedding plan, leaving Jordan standing all alone.
- Eric breathes his bishop meeting was private. Nicole breathes she deserves to know whether he wants to go back to the church ...
- Jen touches Dan's arm and insists they are not over. He stands up.
She cries out she loves him and apologizes for hurting his feelings. She considers him a caring wonderful man! Their love will prevail! Dan
shakes his unhappy head. She reaches up and kisses him. He shakes his head again. She kisses him one more time and he passionately returns
the kiss, tears streaming down his face ...


Ahead on Days of Our Lives
Eve walks into Dan's life.
Marlena confronts Nicole!
All the drama in Salem on Tuesday, June 17