Days of Our Lives February 17, 2014
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Monday, February 17, 2014
Episode 12,277

- At the town square, busy businesswoman Sami says hello to baby Ari
in her stroller as Gabi admires the new necklace, that very exquisite Valentine's gift from fiancé EJ. Gabi sighs about romance and updates Sami that she is away from the apartment to help Sonny and Will with theirs. She sure is a sucker for romance! Sami advises her not to mix up Nick's name with the R word but Gabi declares Sami's beloved EJ and their relationship is no different!
- Outside the pub, EJ elegantly attempts to dismiss Nick, who reminds
him of two words that should be of interest to him. ATTEMPTED MURDER! Now he has his full attention.
- At the courthouse, Aiden muses well Hope's family seems nice. She suspects he thinks she is different, however. He grins.
- Meanwhile JJ and Abigail and Jen celebrate in the courtroom. Jen gets a call from Hope and goes to tell her all about it. JJ starts to text Daniel and Abigail asks why, her eyes filled with suspicion. JJ blinks. Mom would want him to know cos he deserves to know. Abigail haughtily decides she should be the one to text him.
- Dr. Dan slams his apartment door and wants to know what Theresa wishes to clear up, as she has claimed. She is wearing a revealing black cocktail dress and accuses him of lying to her. He breathes what does she remember? She recalls getting high with JJ and wants to know why he pretended they were together the whole time. Dan suddenly gasps OH MY GOD! She has known the entire time! She smirks she likes to fool people, hence her game. Dan drawls he does not like to be played. He points out he saved her sorry rear end. She flirts to sit down cos they
are only getting started! Dan now gets a text from Maggie that JJ made probation. Theresa feigns joy. She makes eyes at him and announces
they can have some fun now and start over. They will forget each others' lies and make beautiful music together. Dan sarcastically asks what she is proposing. The delusional girl suggests they take their relationship to the next level. Dan stares at her like she has two heads.
- Joyful Jen joins Aiden and Hope and finds out Hope and Aiden's kids are at the same school. Jen invites them to attend the family celebration. Hope makes nice and agrees. Aiden agrees to attend, though Chase has
a game. Jen returns to JJ and has high praise for his words on this day. The tough times are over! Hope and Aiden force a smile at each other.
- Sami is utterly horrified that Gabi would dare to compare her and EJ to her and Nick. She and EJ have been married, share children, and are now engaged. Gabi lists their crimes against each other. Sami is surprised she
is being so beeeeechy. Gabi sanctimoniously states Nick the notorious did things too but they pale in comparison to EJ's illustrious history! Sami is shocked she would defend the very man who terrified her. Dangerous music plays as Gabi argues Sami used to be terrified of EJ. Leather clad Sami stands up and denies being scared of any man. Gabi suggests all his starting over chances from Sami changed EJ. Sami is exasperated. Gabi adds people change just like EJ did, so why not Nick? Sami is interrupted by a work call, as her signature is required. Once she ends the call, she turns back. Alas Gabi is gone!
- Outside the pub, EJ stares coldly at Nick and notes that scar on his head must be from a lobotomy. Nick laughs like a loooon. He knows EJ knew everything cos he looked at him like he saw a ghost at the christening. EJ demands to know wot he wants. The genius assures him he is wearing no wire. EJ barks to be brief. Suited Nick stares him squarely in the eye. He has spoken to all involved about where he stands. EJ is not interested but Nick thinks he is. He knows he had his henchmen clean the woods of evidence, DNA, etc. EJ peers at him. Nick announces his request is merely that he leave him alone to live his life. EJ reminds him it will end
if he proves to be even the slightest threat to Samantha. However, as long as he stays away from him and Samantha and the family, there is no need for their paths to even cross again. He arrogantly saunters off.
- At Horton house Abe, Kayla and Hope are elated to see JJ and Jen. Abigail, the girl in the pink blouse, has the homemade angel food cake ready. Moments later, the smiles fade from Jen's face. Waving Rory and Bev have arrived, much to JJ's delight.
- Dan warns Theresa she is deluding herself. She snaps they are gonna happen. He drawls like hell. She warns him he could lose his license, not to mention that JJ could end up in prison and make Jenny cry. Dan gives her a dark intense look. He sarcastically notes that is her plan? She gushes he is hot and they will be dating and have a long affair. He calls her crazy. She demands he start by kicking out Nicole. She will teach him some
sexy things too. Dan replies he would never do as she is suggesting as it would hurt Jennifer. Theresa loses her cool. It enrages her that he loves that mousy little b*tch! Dan drawls she seems to be out to punish Jen because she fired her or because she saved her from prison by giving her
a second chance. He opens the door and orders the chit the hell out. Theresa the blackmailer in black insists there will be repercussions. He questions her evidence and she holds up the video on her phone, starring stoned JJ with her that night. This is the first time Dan has seen it.
- Hope and Aiden have a glass of punch at Horton house. Sullen Ciara is unpleasantly surprised to see him. He excuses himself to greet Abe. Hope sighs when her daughter asks why that man is here! Jen pouts as JJ assures mama that his friends stood by him and they are not toxic. She whispers she is sorry. He asks to hang out with them later. She replies
fine but don't stay out too long. JJ repeats he loves and appreciates her. She loves him too and reminds the lad to thank the guests. JJ stands and makes his own impromptu heartfelt speech, thanking everyone for their support. He and his pals are going to the square now. The adults remain. Jen is still pouting. She seems to have a certain someone on her mind.
- Sami has summoned suited EJ to meet her at the square and gasps Gabi is about to give Nick another chance. She even likened their relationship
to her and EJ and compared Nick to EJ!
- Gabi pushes the baby stroller into the pub, where Nick is seated at a table with a bowl of clam chowder. He offers her some, remembering the good old days when they used to share a bowl upstairs. The lonely girl remembers too and gushes she has enough time to join him for a bowl. The waitress serves her a bowl of chowder and remembers the old times, assuming they are still newlyweds. She steps away. Gabi notes it feels strange sitting here like nothing happened. Nick notes all that happened
is that he was a jerk but he has since reformed. Gabi points out he did blackmail Kate into giving himself as well as Mr. Greetings a job since he supposedly reformed. Nick merely wanted to help his friend sand reasons HE can make Kate millions. He realizes what Kate and Sami did was terrible but he does not blame them. He gets exactly how they feel. Gabi
is becoming more confused by the minute.
- EJ cocks his head. Gabriella actually thinks he is the equivalent of one Nick Fallon? The man is a deranged psychopath! He goes on to assure Samantha all his own misdeeds are in the past. He tenderly tells her he would never hurt her and takes her hands in his. Sami gazes at him and blushes. Abigail arrives at the square, spies the sweet moment, and her face falls.
- At the house of Horton, Ciara insists Aiden is a mean man. She reminds mommy she called him sick. Aiden has overheard!
- Daniel has seen quite enough. Theresa talks deal. Hot sex and fun dates and sex at the hospital with Jen seeing or he can kiss his career goodbye and JJ is headed for Statesville. Dan sternly removes her hopeful hands from his person and growls she thinks she has it all figured out. She refers to JJ as a jerk and repeats some of the choice things he has called the medicine man.
- JJ is thanking his pals as they enjoy their beverages and cookies at the club. They toast to vampire Theresa losing her fangs but JJ is worried. Bev wonders why.
- Theresa the vampire starts to come onto Dan. He grabs her wrists and shoves her away. Then he explodes with a war cry, and sends a mug crashing against the wall. Theresa cringes.
- Eerie music plays as Nick confesses what he did to Will was appalling. He understands why Kate and Sami would loathe him. He is taking full responsibility for what he did though they did not have the right to try
and murder him. He recalls how Gabi the good longed to save him.
- The girl in the pink Chanel jacket makes her sad self scarce. EJ goes
into Mr. Darcy mode as he emotionally implores Samantha not to doubt him. Sami gasps but they have done things to each other. He finishes those things were in the past. They will get through this time together.
He suggests they go home. Sami promises to see him soon, after she
signs those papers at the office. She touches his arm, smiles lovingly and goes, The glum girl in the pink jacket reemerges.
- Hope tries to explain her words to angry Aiden, who is not interested.
He snaps she actually knows nothing about him! Hope notes he in turn knows nothing about her. He growls they should keep in that way and leaves in a huff. Meanwhile, Kayla learns that Jennifer is not exactly dating Liam. She brings up Daniel but Jen points out he seems to have
no excuse for being with that terrible Theresa so she sees no future in
the cards for them. Her eyes are filled with torment.
- Theresa tells herself she might be too hot to handle for Dan and decides he can compensate her. That would do. He is furious she is demanding a blackmail check. He will pay her nothing! She continues to blackmail
him, threatening to send Jenny's little JJ to jail. She wants five figures. Surely they are worth as much to him! Either he writes a check or she calls the judge! Dan now gets a text from Abigail about JJ's good news. Theresa leers things could change by sundown. Dan admits it appears
he has no choice ...
- JJ admits to his friends that Theresa came by the courthouse and was perhaps a tad too cool. Rory insists she cannot hurt him anymore and offers him a cookie. JJ recalls how she wanted to know how long he would be in court and suddenly gets it ...
- As Hope and Ciara sip their beverages at the trendy club, Ciara the sage concludes like father like son. Chase is mean because his daddy is mean. Hope explains sometimes grownups also do not get along so it is best they avoid each other. Ciara is relieved there will be no play dates.
- Jen consoles herself with a piece of cake and admits the Jennifer who forgave Jack time and time again is a thing of the past. However, what
she cannot forgive Daniel for is that he slept with Theresa knowing fully well how it would hurt her! Kayla sympathetically sips her punch.
- Dan holds up a yellow check and Theresa agrees that will do. She suddenly gets shrill and anxiously screams to sign it.  Knock knock! Dan stands up and opens the door to JJ. They both stare strangely at her.
- Nick informs Gabi he must meet pal Percy to discuss the things they
will do for Kate, pays the bill, and grins he will see her soon.  Before he goes, he tells the sleeping pumpkin baby goodbye and gushes it is almost
a crime her beautiful mom did not get back to modeling! Gabi gets to thinking.
- Abigail woefully whispers she hopes EJ has time. He walks to the town gate and she faithfully follows. He sighs wot is the matter? She laments she was happy about her brother's probation but then crashed when she caught him holding Sami's hands. EJ solemnly reminds her he made it clear from the start how he feels about Samantha. Meanwhile Sami is back and searching high and low for EJ ... Abigail brings up Smith Island. EJ is desperate to make her stop. No luck. The obsessed girl ominously wonders whether Sami would forgive him if she knew about THEM.
Sami now appears at the gate and gives the pair a look ...


Ahead on Days of Our Lives
Abigail informs Sami that she and EJ have a secret.
Theresa is the biggest loser!
All the drama in Salem on Monday, February 17