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- Ben and Ciara are at home, staring at the envelope with sonogram results. To open or not to open? Stylish Ciara sighs ... Paulina is pleased she heard Lani use the m word when she warned her to watch out. Mom. Dr. Tripp arrives and hears about mean Johnny and the falling chandelier ... Chanel and Allie end up kissing again. Allie stops and gasps she cannot ... Susan accuses red suit Johnny of being Satan and vows to thwart him. Devil boy grins a wicked grin and acts like she is imagining it. She shoves her cross at him and accuses him of leaping into Johnny when Marlena was exorcised. Devil eyes notes she is not so dumb ... Tripp hears Allie went after crying Chanel ... Allie insists she is with Tripp and then accepts his call. He asks about Chanel. She is heartbroken but is now in bed at Paulina’s place. Allie is heading home. After the call Chanel begs her to stay ... Ciara cannot make up her mind about opening or not opening the envelope. Shawn arrives and they tell him to choose yes or no. Shawn is too cautious to agree and hears the doctor appointment went well. They admit the doctor discovered if the baby is a boy or girl but they still know not ... Chanel breaks down. Allie suggests Johnny does not deserve her tears. Chanel just wants a friend ...
- In the blue DiMera living room Belle is shocked to hear how cruel Johnny was from EJ. She brought contracts for Chad. EJ has other matters on his mind. Belle hears he wants to continue repping himself and warns against it. He suggests she be his lawyer ... Susan tells the devil to be gawn! He calls her smarter than she looks and warns her not to play with fire. He could morph her into a bug and flatten her ... Tripp updates Paulina on Allie putting pal Chanel to bed before she left. Paulina wants to head home. Tripp tells her to wait until he checks her x-rays. Paulina tells Lani a mother never stops worrying ... Chanel apologizes for earlier but cries she cannot be alone. And so Allie agrees and calls Nicole to let her know she will not be home. Chanel is very bothered by how wrong she was about Johnny ... Susan vows she and the other good people of Salem like John Black will stop Johnnydevil so he threatens to get rid of Elvis ... Belle talks conflict of interest and adds EJ is accused of abducting her sis. EJ starts to spin and promises he would not let Shin fire her. She doubts DiMera would approve and even if they did why would she agree to rep EJ ...
- Shawn learns Ben and Ciara would love either a boy or girl and suggests opening the envelope. Still Ben and Ciara hesitate ... Suited EJ swears he was set up. Belle does not want to betray Sami. He suggests Sydney and Johnny do not deserve to have daddy tossed in the slammer. Belle notes Johnny is no innocent ... Spooky music plays as Sue insists the devil would not kill Elvis with so many people present. Besides Johnny would never do it. Hunky Eric and John would return to re-vanquish ... Allie wants to sleep on the sofa but Chanel asks her to stay in the big bed. She could not bear to be alone. They are down to their undergarments and get under the covers ... Tripp concludes tis only a sprain and suggests Paulina stay off her feet. She praises the medicine man in training. Once alone again with Lani, she probes and Lani admits when she called her mom it was on impulse. Tamara will always feel like her mom though Paulina now feels like her mom ... somewhere deep down ... Johnnydevil is annoyed by Susan's infantile protests. Sue suddenly reasons the infantile reason he is back - for Ben and Ciara's infant ... Ben and Ciara decide not to decide now. Shawn must meet Belle for dinner and they ask him to keep the envelope so they will not be tempted ... Satan taunts Sue is too smart. She vows to keep him away from the unborn baby. He laughs she can do nothing to stop him so she decides to head downstairs and tell all to Elvis. Johnnydevil opens the door with a wicked glance ... EJ accuses Belle of turning her back on him just like Sami. She wishes him luck with his case and leaves. He downs his drink and is about to get another when Susan appears with an announcement ...
- Tripp has a cane for Paulina. Her chauffeur awaits. She tells Lani to go home to her twins and gushes her help meant much ... Chanel gushes she is glad Allie is here. They agree Johnny is an idiot. Allie calls her the smartest and most beautiful ... They get close and start to smooch ... Susan is returning to Roger but seems a little strange. EJ wishes she would wait until morning. Johnny appears and notes she clearly wishes to go. EJ senses something. Johnnydevil remembers casting a spell that made Susan agree to leave Salem for Roger and forget their creepy conversation ... Johnny now admits to EJ he suggested Susan go. The father gives the son a stunned stare ... Ciara has her head on Ben's lap. He promises perfection forever. She marvels how they defeated the devil and they kiss in bliss ... EJ is miffed. Johnny argues Sue was lonely and missing Roger. EJ suggests at least another night but mama Susan has her mind made up and airily leaves. EJ demands Johnny explain ... Lani thanks Tripp for everything and asks him to thank Allie for looking after Chanel. Meanwhile Paulina opens the bedroom door and gets an eyeful of Allie and Chanel making out ... Alone again Johnnydevil reduces Johnny's ring to dust and cackles at his latest coup.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on Tuesday, January 11, 2022