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- Tripp tries to diagnose Susan ... John wins this round of pub poker. Abe warns his hand - 666 - is the devil's hand. Meanwhile Johnny praises Stefano and pronounces himself and Chanel done ... Marlena hears Sue oft feels nausea before a premonition and regrets missing the party at the mansion ... Paulina blasts Johnny and runs to her poor baby. He calmly claims he was wrong. Stefano made him realize he wanted to be free. EJ raises his glass to his son's decision. Anna and Tony watch, appalled. Chanel breaks down when hubby uses the d word. Divorce. Allie feels for her friend ... Abe is amused he and John cleared out Roman so early. John jokes he just wanted to go upstairs to Kate. John plays his hand, feeling lucky. Abe asks about Marlena. She improves daily but it was the hardest fight of their lives. Thank God the demon is gone ... Tripp will rush the lab test for Susan and suggests she rest as she recently suffered a concussion ... Paulina proceeds to threaten Johnny but Chanel stops her. She will fight this battle herself and reminds Johnny how he showed her he loved her upstairs. He coldly claims he has more living to do. She warns him she will never forgive. He uses the F word. Friends maybe with benefits. Paulina and Lani wish Chanel would slap the snake. Chanel wonders where her wonderful loving Giovanni went. He decided he is not ready for forever and apologizes. She tells him to go to hell and storms out. He finishes his champagne with a sinister smirk ...
- Susan senses the dastardly devil is not done with Salem. Marlena insists she and John will never let Satan sneak inside her again. Salem is safe. Susan suddenly feels woozy. Marlena gets her a glass of water ... John tells Abe that Marlena is on her apology tour and will no doubt stop by to apologize for wrecking his wedding. Abe is relieved he did not wed the wrong woman ... Allie snaps Johnny makes her sick and goes after Chanel. Johnny apologizes to mama Price, who rages at him and warns she will not let him get away with this. He arrogantly dismisses her and she goes after him ... Susan gasps and drops her glass ... Paulina grabs Johnny on the staircase so the devil looks up and causes the massive chandelier to come crashing down. Lani pushes Paulina out of the way just in the nick of time ... Abe denounces Paulina’s deception about Lani. He is done with her. John senses he still cares. Abe does not trust her ... The guests come running and gasp at the sight. Johnnydevil smirks. Paulina praises Lani for saving her ... Marlena makes light of the broken glass and goes to find someone to clean it up. Susan wonders what else shattered ... Johnny taunts Paulina God punished her for saying his name in vain. EJ suddenly looks troubled ... Susan prays with her cross until Tripp and Marlena come back. She gets the all clear ... Abe has won big in cards but notes not in love. John promised Roman they would lock up. Abe says go home to Marlena. He will stay a while longer and play solitaire ... In the blue DiMera living room Tony and Lani help Paulina to an armchair. She loves being served Stefano's fav drink by Anna and praises Lani for saving her. Lani tends to her twisted ankle. Anna reminds Tony she warned him to get rid of the ancient light. He tells her t'was Louis XV. Paulina has a mind to sue. Tony offers to summon the family doctor. Lani wants to take her to the hospital but Paulina believes her baby needs her. Lani insists Allie can look after Chanel. She repeats she wishes to take care of Paulina. Paulina is touched ... Chanel is crying alone in her room remembering when she first met bad boy Johnny and he romanced her. She removes his ring. Enter Allie and they hug as Chanel cries on her shoulder ...
- Johnnydevil looks at the cad in the mirror and cackles about socking it to Paulina. If she angers him again she is as good as dead. EJ interrupts and demands to know wot the hell got onto him ... Johnny airily states he was fixing his mistake. EJ tells him t'was cold. But his comment about God punishing Paulina was off as his son is not religious ... Downstairs Susan stands by the crashed chandelier and realizes what happened. Tony comes up behind her and she jumps. He apologizes and adds she missed quite a bash ... Johnny claims Paulina was creepy but EJ notes he should not have been surprised she went after him. He wonders what happened between him and Chanel. Johnny alludes to taking his advice and announces he has DiMera plans. EJ suspiciously states he swore they were in love. Johnnydevil decided dad was right and Chanel was only after the money ... Allie declares Johnny does not deserve Chanel anyway but Chanel feels undeserving of Love. Allie assures her she will find the right one. She helps her remove the dress so she can go back to bed. Tripp leaves Allie a message, still busy on his shift. He hopes she and Chanel are having a good time ... Allie and Chanel decide they can face the world together and Chanel kisses her ... Abe holds up the queen of hearts card and unhappily remembers happy times with Paulina ... Pleased Paulina points out to Lani when she said look out she also called her mom ... Tony and Anna are drinking in the living room. EJ returns and Anna announces she is ashamed to be in the DiMera family, after what Johnny did to Chanel. He notes not too ashamed to spend the money so Tony jumps up with a warning. EJ withdraws. Tony tells him Lani took Paulina to the hospital. Anna goes ahead to bed. Tony adds Susan is home and seems to feel betta. EJ, however, has other matters on his mind ... Marlena returns to John and admits Susan has a bad feeling about the future. Meanwhile Johnnydevil is surprised to see grandma Susan, who just missed Elvis. She hisses they both know he is not really her grandson ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on Monday, January 10, 2022