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- Outside Sweet Bits Chanel and Johnny discuss her Paulina avoidance. She will deal with the situation on her terms. He worries about her overdoing it at work. She has it all under control ... Alex says no way when Maggie asks him to set up an extra Titan office for Konstantin ... Teresa heartily greets Brady at the pub and he wonders why so cheery. She and Alex reconciled. Brady sips his coffee and wonders about wildcard Kristen ... Julie is doing a Spectator crossword at the Kiriakis mansion. Chad joins her. She gets a call and jumps for joy ... Tate and schoolmate Aaron are done with school but Aaron is down about Holly's mom forbidding her from attending prom. Tate has a plan ... Teresa hisses Alex was just making her jealous with Kristen. Brady sighs she keeps trying to get back into his life. Teresa calls her a psycho and adds Brady deserves better. He sarcastically calls that sweet. She assures him he will find his Miss Right. He doubts it ... Maggie gets indignant and explains she is starting a charitable trust. Konstantin will help distribute the funds. The house is too crowded and so she suggests Teresa's old office. She reminds junior they are equally dividing Victor’s estate. Alex grudgingly agrees ... Julie gushes to Chad they can go hooooooome to Horton house!
- Sweet Felicity comes to get her fave sweet bits scones and surprises Chanel with Challah bread. Johnny does the taste testing and announces tis a winner. Chanel will put it on the menu ... Maggie gets a call from Julie about Horton house being ready. Alex is relieved cos he plans to take his rightful place at the Kiriakis mansion ... Chad wants to eat before he packs. Julie gushes tonight they are going to be under their own roof ... Teresa tries to pep talk Brady about love finding him. He gets sarcastic, then asks about her job hunting. She is not yet inspired. He shares that he agreed to chaperone Tate's prom. So did she and he teases they are going to the prom together ... Johnny steps away to take a call and Aaron comes by for a pickup. He intros Tate to his freshman sis Felicity who is a great baker. Chanel brings the donuts that are arranged to spell out will Holly go to the prom with Aaron, who sighs her mom will not allow her to go after all ...
- Chad brings out his first box. Julie tells him all is being delivered on time. She admits last night she dreamt of Abigail. Chad remembers the story she was working on about Clyde. He wishes he had known and could have saved her. Julie suggests Abigail would want him to move on for himself and his family. She is always in their hearts ... Maggie is less than thrilled to hear Alex intends to live at the mansion. He arrogantly argues as Vic's son that mansion is his birthright. He even got a new racehorse. Maggie quips straight from the horse's ass. Then she primly informs him Konstantin will be in his office soon and promises to be back. The cad now calls Kristen to cancel their get together cos tis his busy moving into the mansion day. He will see her soon ... Teresa and Brady never attended prom. They are looking forward to going together ...
- Johnny unsuccessfully suggests he could do the movie gig from Salem. Alas he would need to be on location. He glumly ends the call ... Aaron is glum about Holly so Tate invites him to attend prom with him and Sophia, who agreed. The guys get going. Chanel and Felicity head into the bakery to talk shop ... Outside the pub Tate and Aaron have their donuts. Teresa emerges and accepts a donut. Then she tells the fellas not to be late for school and goes on her way. Tate assures anxious Aaron he will not be a third wheel and admits he will be leaving him alone with Sophia cos his real prom date will be someone else ... Maggie comes back to the mansion amazed the Horton boxes have been packed. Julie emotionally thanks her for her endless support. The redhead will miss her and also gets emotional. They agree their homes are always open and share a heartfelt Horton hug ... Teresa heads home in her little black dress. Alex comes home early and arrogantly announces he is packing and moving back to the Kiriakis mansion as head of the Kiriakis clan. Teresa stares and he realizes she would rather not be alone. She seductively suggests ... he asks if she means she wants to move in with him ... Doug is enjoying his armchair and announces they are home! Julie notices Chad's long face. He still blames himself for the fire and Clyde's unholy war which also cost him his beloved Abigail ...
- Chanel pep talks Felicity about working in a commercial kitchen. The girl goes on her happy way and wishes her and Johnny a good day ... Tate tells Aaron that he and Holly are still a couple on the sly. Aaron wonders why after all that happened. Tate urges him to respect his relationship and keep his secret. Aaron agrees and Tate admits he really wants to surprise HER prom night. Brady appears and wonders WHO! Tate stammers he wants to surprise prom date Sophia with something nice. Brady announces he and Teresa will be attending Tate's prom as chaperones. Tate looks ready to snap ...
- Teresa does not want to invite herself so Alex reminds her he already invited her and invites her again to move into his mansion with him. She excitedly accepts ... Chanel eats more bread and talks to baby. She tells Johnny she loves their baby and wants to have them so long as he is here with her. Always ... Julie insists Clyde is to blame not Chad. Doug agrees and Julie exclaims Hortons do not back down and will continue doing the right thing. Chad thanks them both. She suggests a huge family reunion. Doug calls it a wonderful idea and she hopes they will unlock Tom's mysterious time capsule by then. She places a photo of Tom and Alice on the mantle, welcoming them home at last ... At this point no one knew that Doug's days would be numbered ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 22, 2024