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- Johnny and Chanel are in the hospital waiting area. She enjoys his fussing. They hold hands and he assures her the specialist EJ is having flown in also helped Nicole with her pregnancy. Holly emerges from her therapy session, glumly greets them and sends Tate a desperate text ... Madam Mayor summons elegant Melinda and offers her her old D.A. job back. Melinda says no ... Sloan wonders why Eric is taking so long. Meanwhile EJ is watching his wife smooch with her ex, then steps back so they do not see that he saw. Eric stops and gasps to Nicole they cannot. She admits the room is spinning. EJ now shows himself and demands to know wot is going on ... Chanel feels woozy so Johnny presents her with some oyster crackers he pinched from the pub. He reveals he put his showbiz resume online and hopes he can get some work in Salem. Chanel's doctor is now ready to see her ... Tate meets Holly at the dark park and she sighs about the mean girl things she said to her mother. She wonders why she has no control and cries on his shoulder ...
- Eric informs EJ of Holly and Nicole's clash. EJ sarcastically thanks him for not taking advantage. Nicole thanks him for seeing her home and he exits. Nicole apologizes and is still hurting from Holly's wicked words. EJ promises to look after his love ... Paulina points out Melinda protested her dismissal before. She has decided she is easier to work with than EJ and the people know her tough record on crime. How to make her accept? ... Tate tells Holly how Marlena once told him one lashes out at the ones we love as they are closest. Holly just met with Marlena and feels awful. Leo appears and watches the teens steal a forbidden kiss through the bushes, then takes a few forbidden pics ...
- Eric is sorry he is late. Sloan seems jealous of him working with Nicole. He breathes they are ... friends. He is committed to Sloan and their baby. She buys it and they hug ... EJ sits on the sofa with Nicole and wonders wot happened. She shares the part about Holly's hurtful comments. EJ tries not to blow up. Nicole argues her girl has gone through much. He assures depressed Nicole she is a marvelous mom and Holly must know it deep down. Nicole thanks him and apologizes for drinking too much. Thank God Eric came when he did. If he had not, then ... He wonders whether she did something she regrets. She did not and he plays along, hiding the hatred he feels for Eric ... Post appointment Johnny and Chanel have much to think about. So far the baby seems fine but they have to wait months for the big tests. They also learned what they already feared - that the chances of losing the baby were higher due to the radiation exposure. She probes and Johnny admits he hates they have no control. Chanel would do anything to make sure her baby was alright and now understands that was what Paulina was trying to do - for her ...
- Paulina persists. Melinda loves the idea but brings up powerful EJ. Paulina promises he will have no more power. Melinda believes he might come after her with his other resources. Paulina tells her if her hands are clean he cannot touch her ... Tate and Holly hear a noise and then see Leo. They panic about being busted by Lady whistleblower ... Snooty Sloan wishes they could have had a bistro dinner instead of the cheap stuff. Eric suggests they should save for a down payment on a house. She loves the idea and they gush about getting a white picket fence and two dogs. She thanks him for giving her their real family and they kiss ... EJ gets Nicole a glass of water. He admits he would rather she came to him than Eric. She explains he called her when she was a no show and then came to that bar. EJ still wishes his wife had called him. She is sorry for that and sighs she is still sad. He holds her close. She suggests she lost their baby boy as the universe was punishing her and he gets to thinking ...
- Eric shows Sloan some of their cute pics with Jude. They believe they are a beautiful family ... Melinda muses EJ is like the mafia. Paulina argues she would have the power to look into his questionable family biz. Melinda gets it and accepts the appointment. Paulina admits her PR is not great right now. The talk turns to how they both did what they had to in order to be a good mother ... Johnny and Chanel admire the first baby pic and he marvels she is due at Christmas. She suggests a name now. Noel if boy and Noelle if a girl. They hug in happiness ... The busted teens implore Leo not to show anyone the pics he took of them. Leo admits he is a hopeless romantic and suggests they could be Shakespeare. He sighs he was recently dumped and starts to leave the lovebirds. Tate wants to pay for his silence. Leo will not blow their whistle because he wants to be a better Leo and deletes all their smooch photos ...
- Johnny is on a call with an old contact who is now running a studio. He must discuss his offer with his wife. When Chanel comes back he asks her and baby out on a dinner date and she accepts ... Paulina and new D.A. Trask talk turkey. They believe they are a dream team. Paulina suggests she take her new D.A. out for drinks and dinner. Melinda excitedly accepts ... Baby Jude is fussing as father Eric is getting ready to go. Eric texts Nicole he is off to the homeless encampment for pics, hopes she is okay and will see her tomorrow. Then he kisses Sloan, agrees to be careful, and goes on his way ... EJ gets Nicole to bed and she falls asleep with a smile on her face. EJ now sees the text from Eric saying he will see her tomorrow and steps away ...
- Tate and Holly thank Leo for his silence. He gives them the Leo blessing, quotes the bard again and goes on his merry way. Tate and Holly hug in relief ... Paulina and Trask are already at a bistro table when Chanel and Johnny enter. Mama waves and Chanel's face falls. She wants to go to the pub instead and walks out with Johnny. Paulina’s face falls ... Smiling Nicole dreams that she is kissing Eric and sighs she loves him forever. Everything would have been different if her baby had been his ... EJ shows up at Sloan's door and demands the baby that he now plans to raise with Nicole as THEIRS!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 20, 2024