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- Sporty Steph and Everett head to the pub post game. She has a leg cramp so he rubs it and they flirt ... At the station busy Jada gets an update from Rafe on the black book of Clyde having blood on the cover. Alas Clyde's code has not been cracked ... Animal print Kristen is hosting elegant Ava at the mansion. Her old friend wonders what she wants ... Eric promises Nicole that her petulant daughter does not despise her. He suggests she let the teen cool off ... Sloan sits at home alone with Jude and wonders what bomb will drop now. Knock knock. Tis irate EJ ... Rafe is impatient. Jada vows to help bring down Clyde and Goldman. He notices her box of cold cases ... EJ now knows the baby belongs to Eric and Nicole. Sloan wonders what next ... Eric wonders where the contact for his and Nicole's story is and spies someone under the park bench. He smells like he was on a bender and he turns out to be Leo!
- Kristen seeks intel from Ava about Li’s murder ... Jada feels for the families without answers. Rafe senses she herself is stressed and she admits it is about Bobby ... Back at the pub Everett wants a hotdog and Steph remembers their first first date when he ate a bad hotdog and became ill. He decides to have a vegie burger and Steph decides to have a hotdog. He admits he wanted to kiss her on their first date ... EJ asks Sloan how she did it. How she stole Nicole's baby to pass off as her own. The lady lawyer tells him how her prayers were answered when fugitive Dimitri showed up and gave her Nicole's baby to take to the hospital. She decided she was destined to raise Eric's baby as her own. She knew what to do to keep the baby. Leo found out when loverman Dimitri told him. EJ is livid since Dimitri assumed it was EJ's baby and betrayed him.. Sloan wants to know what will happen to Leo ...
- Jada admits her cold case of interest is connected to Bobby. They met when he was looking for info on his missing mom. It haunted him for years ... Ava knows little about Li and says so. Kristen suggests she has something she could use... EJ agrees not to cause trouble for Leo. Sloan insists they keep the secret so they do not lose their spouses but he wants to tell Nicole. She warns Nicole would leave him in a heartbeat for Eric ... Wild card Leo is taken home by Eric and Nicole. Nicole wonders why he is drinking. Leo laments losing the love of his life. Nicole tells him things will get better and he wonders if they did for Eric and Nicole. They claim things did get better but don't seem to believe it ...
- EJ decides he could take the baby and tell Nicole it was theirs. Sloan warns Jude will look like Eric. He is torn. She tells him Nicole and Eric would end up together again and begs him not to break up her little family. EJ gets it ... Leo complains about doing the wrong thing time after time. Eric wonders. Leo looks at Nicole and sighs he wants to help her but not hurt good guy Eric. They have no idea what he means and he suddenly realizes EJ did not spill the beans. Then he passes out. Eric admits the same thing happened the day before when he was about to tell him something about Jude. They leave him sleeping ...
- Ava admits to Kristen that Gill attempted to assault her so she shot him dead. Kristen realizes Clyde bought the bistro and put the squeeze on Stefan with Gabi. She assures suspicious Ava they are on the same side ... Rafe reminds Jada she did have good times with Bobby. She changes the topic to Rafe and they kiss ... Everett and Steph continue the contrived trip down memory lane at the pub. He remembers all their moments. The sultry woman he met at the pub the other night walks by with a flirty hello to Bobbyyyyyyy. Steph wonders if Everett knows that girl. He denies it and suggests it was the friend of a friend ... EJ visits Leo and tells him to drink more coffee. Leo wonders where Ericole went. EJ wants to know why they were even there. Leo remembers they brought him home after he drank too much at the park. EJ sternly orders him to tell no one the truth about Jude and offers him big money to keep his mouth shut ...
- Ava apologizes for being touchy but claims she cannot help Kristen with her investigation of Li's killer ... Rafe finds an old news item about a murdered woman with an Argyle sweater. He now gets a call about the black book having a print belonging to Clyde's late employee Gil. The blood on said book belonged to Li Shin ... Eric and Nicole have coffee in elegant teacups at the square and she lets him know how good her friend makes her feel. Friend Eric feels the same way... Leo finds the allure of the good life more in tune with his needs and presses the button for EJ's transfer to him. He hopes he will not regret it. EJ warns if he double crosses him he will end his life. Leo gets it ... Rafe ends his call with Harris now assuming that Gill offed Li. Now they need the proof ... Everett invites Steph to dinner and she accepts. Tis a great Japanese place. Steph needs to return to the office and he smiles he will text her. Off she goes with her ponytail ... Everett says hi again and asks the woman at the bar when they met. She tells him it was 2 nights ago, gets spooked and decides to depart ... Ava ends her call with Harris and swears Kristen to secrecy before blurting out that the police have proof Gabi did not kill Li. Ava admits she also knows who really did ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on MAY 13, 2024