All Rights Reserved. Link Only GOING GOING GONE IN 60 SALEM SECONDS! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Cool Alex greets Ponytail joy outside the pub. She worries about her summons from Abe and fears she will be fired ... Bonnie asks director Johnny if she can cut a mendacious line. He cares not cos he just lost his one true love ... Paulina is glam and gushes about Chanel being back from the bakery. Chanel is all about work now that she left B and S. Mama wishes she would unquit ... Abe calls Kate about Leo believing Javier is the real whistleblower ... Leo bursts into Javi's bedroom to expose the real lady whistleblower. KERRY ... Stylish Kate thanks Abe and will wait to hear when Leo has more. Here comes in cognito Hattie. Kate lays down the law. No more Diva disputes with Bonnie ... Meanwhile Johnny complains to Bonnie about Seth being to blame for his marriage woes. Then he sighs it was all his fault. Bonnie can relate and hopes he and Joy used protection. They did not get that far. Bonnie wonders why Chanel is so upset. Cos he lied and lied again. When she hears Chanel quit Bonnie becomes worried ... Paulina understands Chanel's refusal to return but had to try for Abe ... Alex and Anxious summoned Joy are on set. Abe has something to say ... Leo vows to expose wicked queen Kerry, who acts indignant. Leo is convinced he has caught the real whistleblower ... - Hattie is happy to report she and Bonnie are best pals again. Cordial Kate suggests it stay that way and hands her the new contract. Now she will work for scale. Hattie is aghast. Kate points out tis probation and Bonnie got the same raw deal ... Bonnie cannot believe they will lose Faith's key character ... Chanel is horrified to hear from Paulina that her character Faith will be killed. Paulina suggests the exit scene could bring closure. Chanel sighs and agrees ... Ponytail Joy and no-ponytail Alex are surprised to hear Abe state their real life hookup could be solid gold for the fans. Chanel quit but the show shall continue. Alex suggests their chemistry might show on screen. Abe suddenly realizes they were together for real and seems surprised ... Haughty Kerry claims Leo is just jealous. Leo tells Javi that LB's account is in Rochester and he saw his damning sweatshirt! Kerry scoffs. Leo reveals his fake friendly lunch. His devil possession pitch was a lie to entrap the real Whistleblower and it worked Cos the fake spoilers got spilled and only Kerry knew about them!! - Alex and Joy did not realize Abe did not know they had become a kinda couple. He probes ... Bonnie is busy running lines at the hospital when happy Hattie comes in. They act like the best of pals. Kate hands out the scripts. Tis time to rehearse ... Meanwhile Joy and Alex are at a loss. Abe suggests they let him know once they know more and gets going. The pair are pleased as punch she did not lose her job. Alex lets her know Steph is moving on with Phil and ought to move on sooooo ... They agree they enjoy being together and decide to tell Abe that their story is complicated. Here comes Chanel ... Javi gasps is Kerry LW??? Kerry denies it and claims someone could have overheard their convo. Leo claims to have footage from Rafe of him so Kerry lets his guard down enough to show his guilt. Leo wins! - Glam Paulina wishes she could have convinced Chanel not to quit. Abe is understanding. She muses there must be big tension on set as they speak ... Chanel coldly informs Joy she just came to tape her final scene and asks Johnny how she dies. She will fall down the shaft like the presumed late Charlemagne ... Kate explains to Hattie they must have a flashback scene for when she was presumed dead. Bonnie helps her get under the sheet. Kate calls action and Bonnie recites her soap lines. Hattie suddenly sits up and protests ... Leo blasts creepy Kerry for breaking into his room and smugly states he also installed spyware. Kerry quips he saw plenty too. Javi gets out of the bed appalled. Kerry claims he was left high and dry by Leo after their night together and calls him a hack. Leo insults him right back. Kerry claims he wrote the real truth. Javi stops him and angrily kicks him out. Twice. Creepy Kerry wonders why. Leo believes he was also to blame for the tainted cupcakes. Javi regrets ever meeting creepy Kerry and orders him out of his room and his life. Kerry sneers tis his loss and takes his clothes. Leo looks at Javi ... Paulina has heard the latest whisteblower theory from Abe, who gets a call from Leo who admits the real Lady B was Kerry not Javier! - Chanel is not thrilled about going down the shaft. Johnny asks if they can talk after. She hisses no and just wants this over with ... Hattie complains about Bonnie getting more dialogue. Kate threatens to kick her off the show if she does not follow the rules she signed for her contract ... Johnny calls action and the scene between Alex, Joy and a now mad Chanel gets started. Chanel is in fine form and means it when she calls Joy a lying skank. Joy recites her lines about her man begging her for it. Chanel slaps her and Joy counters she cannot wait to see her fall down the elevator shaft... Later Johnny walks with Joy outside the pub. She decides she and Chanel are even now that she smacked her ... Chanel heads home and updates Abe and mama on her swan dive down that elevator shaft. She is relieved tis over. Mama offers hot chocolate. Abe thanks her for her help. He then contacts Kate with big news ... Leo plans to get a new computer and new passwords. Javi is sincerely sorry and states he and Kerry did not sleep together. Kerry suspected he still only had eyes for Leo. Javi admits he was right. He and Leo kiss in soap bliss, together again ... Kate gives Hattie the good news about the spoiler spiller troll being exposed. Hattie hopes he will confess to the poisoned cupcakes too and decides to lift the curse from the show. She raises her hands and wills it away. Kate is not into curses but at least the bad luck is gone ... Bonnie ends a call with Justin and gets in the elevator. The wrong one. Before Alex can stop her she falls down down down ...! STAY TUNED ... Luv Cathy |
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