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- Megan purrs tis perfection to be at DiMera mansion. She seems drunk with power and looooves being home. Enter EJ demanding to know why the hell she is in HIS house ... At the square Stefan and Gabi smooch after another champagne toast. Crafty Kristen offers to be maid of honor when they wed ... Brady complains at home to Marlena, embittered but resigned he must deal with Kristen. She marvels how much they must endure for their children. Here comes Eric, with his own big news ... At the hospital Nicole gets a call from Anna, who is sitting alone at the bistro with her wine. She assures anxious Nicole no one will hear she is preggers from her! There stands dapper Tony with a devious grin. Anna ends the call. Tony sits and teases to whom was she speaking. She fibs wrong number but Tony has her number. He wonders whose pregnancy secret his wife is hiding. She fibs tis her and he laughs ... Megan tells baby brother she has the right to be here. EJ is shocked she showed up at the mansion. She reminds him she is a true blue DiMera so she belongs here and in the family biz ... - Kristen boasts about her immunity deal. Gabi and Stefan are stunned. She sarcastically congrats their wedding news and offers to help. Gabi snaps at her ... Brady and Marlena wait with bated breath. Eric explains Sloan was cleared of going after Paulina and Chanel. Brady wonders who attacked Abe. Sloan's brother Colin. He was the real stalker ... Stylish Sloan approaches Nicole at the nurse's station. Nicole claims she came to visit Abe and blasts her for her bad brother coming to Salem, putting Abe in the hospital ... Anna stammers she too was stunned. Tony has questions. She fibs it happened after a Dr. Rolf fertility treatment ... Gabi tells off Kristen for what she did to her beloved Stefan, who tries to stop her and slyly suggests they seek his sister's vote. Kristen watches in silence as Gabi changes her tune and offers champagne ... EJ chuckles at Megan's bold plans and points out she was dead to the family for 30 years but the devil with the blues dress alludes to an unholy alliance. Her vote could be the deciding one against Stefan. The prodigal son slyly smiles and offers her champagne ...
- Tony plays along and stops Anna from having more wine, then adds caffein and cheese to the list of what a woman having a baby must not have. Anna gets glum. He suggests she is not really pregnant but was discussing another woman's pregnant state. Anna gasps she swore her secrecy but smart Tony notes it is Nicole. Anna curses ... Nicole accuses Sloan of giving her brother the orders that put Abe in hospital. Kayla appears and Sloan steps away. Nicole admits Sloan knows her secret. She needs to take the paternity test as soon as possible. Kayla can give a result next week. Nicole wants neither EJ nor Eric to know about it before the results. Kayla is sorry to say that would not work ... Eric updates Brady and Marlena on Colin. He admits he and Sloan are in a good place but Colin wants his sister's help. He suggests Marlena and John having dinner with himself and Sloan to help raise her spirits. He invites Brady, who is dateless these days and done with Kristen ... Kristen concludes Gabi and Stefan need her in their fight with EJ for DiMera. Gabi credits her with keeping Stefan alive and apologizes for forgetting that. Kristen concedes she may have been a bit irrational before and would like them to take her home to the mansion ... Meantime EJ toasts with fatha's best to Megan's return. She wonders where the others are. He deduces they will be home for dinner soon and declares it will be a dinner in Megan's honor ... Kristen alludes to helping one another. She assumes Stefan owns the house. Tis not etched in stone. Kristen possessively puts her arms around Stefan and Gabi as they head home ...
- Nicole is horrified she must get a check swab kit ... Kayla explains they could use just one sample so she would only need the swab of one potential papa ... Eric is grateful when Brady and Marlena agree to attend his dinner with Sloan. He heads off to see his sweetheart and lets Brady know he is sorry about Kristen ... Back at DiMera mansion EJ is now alone and admits to fatha's portrait he was caught off guard by Megan. Still he must keep her on his side. Enter team Gabi and Stefan accompanied by a very confident Kristen, who thanks him for the champagne. Stefan and Gabi gloat they invited her to move in. EJ grumbles about the voting shares. Megan emerges, is charmed to meet Stefan and Gabi, and states she is his sister. She smiles she is moving in. EJ decides they must all celebrate sister Megan's return and steps away to also invite Tony ... Tony is delighted about cleverly discovering the secret and warns worried Anna that Nicole cannot conceal her state much longer. Anna updates him on Nicole's worry EJ might not be the father. Tony reasons his brotha has a right to know. Anna argues he will as soon as Nicole knows and notes it would only be a little lie of omission. Tony now gets the call from EJ and cackles they would love to come to meet the recently returned family member ... When Tony and Anna arrive at the mansion he gets a big hug from happy Kristen. Tony assumes the party is for her. EJ enters with guest of honor Megan. Anna is surprised. Tony whispers and wonders what is going on. EJ whispers he wants her vote. Stefan seems to have his own scheme. Anna approaches Tony and wonders what they discussed ...
- Marlena believes she and Brady should give Sloan the benefit of the doubt for Eric's sake. She seems to be good for her son ... Kayla hands Nicole the kit with swabs for a sample and heads back to work. Sloan slinks up. Nicole sighs she needs a check swab. Sloan suggests she do it while EJ is asleep. Too risky. Sloan offers to get the swab from Eric while he is deeply sleeping. Nicole hesitates... Brady ends a call with Kristen, who informed him she just moved back into DiMera mansion ... EJ suggests a toast so Stefan welcomes Kristen home. EJ toasts to Megan, who declares she has decided to take the family name, meaning she is now a total DiMera. Delighted EJ raises his glass to Megan DiMera. Tony states he has something to say to EJ. Anna looks pale ... Nicole opens the box to give Sloan the swab. Neither woman wants Eric to be the father. Eric slowly approaches and wonders what they are up to ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on May 26, 2023