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- Kayla admires the yellow roses but suspicious Steve did not send them... Surprised Sonny greets Alex's female friend, who finished all the coffee. Alex appears in his red briefs ... Jack pays Gwen a visit with news that Leo is the new suspect the cops caught ... Shawn refuses to let Leo leave the station. Leo makes jokes and threatens a lawsuit. Shawn offers to help him with the difficult D.A. if he confesses ... Outside DiMera mansion Chad assures Jada he is up for the search since he wants to prove Leo's guilt if he did it. They enter and she feels the presence of Stefano's foreboding portrait. Chad opens the secret door and escorts the detective down to the secret room ... Shawn explains Clyde claims he sold Leo some of Abigail's stolen jewelry ... Gwen tries to defend Leo until Jack brings up the jewelry. Jack asks if Leo let anything slip. She remembers praising his revenge but lies she knows no more than Jack ... Kayla reads the card ... from Orpheus, who wrote he wanted to make amends. Steve ushers sweetness away from the flowers fast ... Alex introduces Lisa to Sonny. She sighs tis not her name and continues to make herself at home. Sonny is curious. Alex muses they met last night at the small bar after he got turned down by Gabi. The girl goes to get more coffee, clearly offended. Sonny sighs about his brother's bad behavior ...
- Shawn informs denying Leo that Clyde claimed he conspired to sell stolen jewelry. Leo claims he is out to get him cos his girlfriend is Nancy, who blames him for breaking up her and Craig ... Jada asks about the secret tunnels and Chad admits Leo could have sneaked in. He now enters the wine cellar, where they find a dinner tray on the floor. Chad gasps Leo was there all long ... Alex's date kisses him and gets going. Sonny asks if they are an item. Alex pours the coffee she brought out. He wants nothing serious. He implies Sonny is sanctimonious. Sonny simply feels for the woman he used. He also talks love but Alex ain't lookin for love. Sonny passionately points out the most beautiful thing is to love and be loved. Alex suggests he have a croissant instead. Sonny is exasperated his brother behaves so badly with women. Alex chows down and tells him tis a two way street. He suddenly sees the news about new suspect Leo online. Sonny is stunned ... Leo is aware of his rights, pontificates and demands to call his lawyer ... Chad and Jada search but find no weapon. Jada wonders how Leo might have learned about the tunnels. Chad concludes Gwen could have told him ... Gwen disagrees with dad Jack that Leo would have stabbed a young mother. Jack gets upset and wonders who could have done something so awful to his Abigail ... Steve finds no bomb but warns Kayla this was a message from Orpheus. He gets out his gun and drawls he will go off the s.o.b. Kayla stops him and doubts Orpheus has a plan as Patch fears. She knows the Salem P.D. have their eye on him and begs him not to go vigilante ... Alex is surprised the guy who accused Sonny of harassment became a killer. Sonny blames himself for dragging Chad and Abigail into his war with Leo. He calls Chad and leaves an anxious message ... Gwen is sympathetic as Jack wishes justice for his dead daughter. Knock knock! Tis somber Chad with an update. Dishes and utensils that were likely Leo's were just found in the secret room. He turns to Gwen and accuses her of telling Leo the location of those secret tunnel entrances so he could slip in and off Abigail ... Back at the station Shawn admits to Jada that he got nothing from Leo. She holds up a bagged fork and smiles cos this could crack the case ...
- Kayla implores Steve not to get himself sent to the slammer and he agrees not to act now. But he tells her to put on the alarm and wants to drive her to work ... Sonny tells Alex all about Leo's very public vendetta against him and the others. Matter of fact a few months ago Leo drugged him and took lewd pics that he sent to a tabloid. Alas it was too late for the drugs to show up in a test. Alex acts angry and wants to go after Leo. Sonny says no. But he cannot see him stabbing someone the way Abigail was. He does not believe he did it ... Shawn learns from Jada that the fork and other items are being analyzed. Here comes Leo's lawyer Sloan - aka Alex's slinky one night stand - and she hands Shawn her card ... Jack defends Gwen, who also denies to Chad she did it. She reminds him how Abigail once held her down in that very wine cellar. Chad accuses her of getting her vicious revenge via Leo and rages this is not over. Then he storms out ...
- Steve escorts Kayla up to her hospital floor. All of a sudden they get a notification from the alarm system and he heads home ... Sonny updates Alex on an email he just got about the little London company he wanted that another LLC bought but now they are offering it to him at not a penny higher. Alex slyly suggests he snag it super fast but Sonny decides to do some digging ... Chad shakily drinks his water at Horton house, then shatters the glass in his shaking hand ... Sloan warns Shawn they have nothing and is leaving with Leo unless they are arresting him. They make for the door until Jada returns with the forensics report. Leo is going nowhere cos the evidence puts him at the scene of the crime! The smug smile fades from his face ... Eerie music plays. Sonny senses something strange. Alex insists he get the great acquisition. Sonny refuses to risk it and goes ahead to the car ... Steve pulls his gun at his open condo door and commands freeze! New Stephanie gasps and drops her glass ... Chad shows up at the hospital with his bleeding hand ... Gwen swears to Jack if Mattie did as suspected she had no idea. Jack believes the nightmare will end and Chad will realize he was wrong. She thanks her father for his support and they hug ... The Salem PD believe that Leo did it with a fork! Jada shows Sloan the lab report. Shawn threatens to get Trask to file murder charges. Leo exclaims he is innocent but knows who the real killer was. He can prove it too ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on Wednesday, August 17, 2022